Team's articles with the keyword: ipernity
7 February 2025 - Club News
- 19 Feb 2025Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Ipernity General Assembly (IGA). This year's annual meeting will take place on 23 March 2025 at 5:00pm Paris (16:00 UTC). Instructions on how to attend will be posted in a couple of weeks. Four board positions are up for election this year. President, Vice President, Webmaster and Moderator. If any club member who is interested in standing for any of these positions hasn't already contacted the team, please do so through ipermail or a help ticket…
3 January 2025 - Club News
- 03 Jan 2025Dear members and friends of ipernity, We all wish you a happy new year, health, peace and much love by the ones you love. 1) Removing items from a group. For an administrator of a group checking the suitability of content added to it, they can use the red [x] under an image as required. But if they open the large, single image view for a clearer assessment, they would have had to return to the group contributions page for access to the [x] to remove it. Now the 'Action' menu f…
6 December 2024 - Club News
- 06 Dec 2024Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Is a group active? In order to support the current efforts by our members to improve the perception of groups, especially to visitors, a new feature has been added to assist them. On a group's homepage, the blue (?) icon beside 'Latest contributions' shows how long ago the most recent image was added to the group. Additionally, this is available via the [ i ] under each image. This is the date that a user agrees to a suggestion, or when a g…
1 November 2024 - Club News
- 01 Nov 2024Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Additional viewing size option. When viewing group contributions, the 'Small' option displayed the 100px images. Everywhere else, the display used the cropped 75px squares. Beside the existing icon for this option, now labeled 'Square', there is a new icon for the 100px option, labeled 'Small'. The view of group contributions gains the 'Square' option, which provides a larger overview of the content. The Explore->Gallery and Explore->Noteworthy d…
4 October 2024 - Club News
- 04 Oct 2024Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Seasons change. We hope as the seasons shift that you find yourself inspired by the light. Share some of that in one of our Days of the Week Groups. Here's a selection: Macro Mondays Happy Bench Monday Happy Tuesday Table Happy Wednesday Wall Happy-Flexy-Wednesday Orange Thursdays Happy Fence Friday Happy Chairy Saturday Saturday Self-Challenge Are there more? Let us know! 2) Where we…
6 September 2024 - Club News
- 06 Sep 2024Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) World Photography Day. What a wonderful celebration we had! 73 members participated this year, breaking our previous record by 3. What amazingly varied days we all had. Starting with a gentle photo of an orange tree and ending with bright flower with insect and a collaborative stark mural on a large building. Take your time strolling through the special day in the World Photography Day group and enjoy not only the images which go…
2 August 2024 - Club News
- 02 Aug 2024Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Improvement to the 'Your group' page. This improvement allows you to check on groups that host your content but to which you do not belong. As well as listing the groups, this new feature allows you direct access to your photos in each group. Such a state can happen if you chose to leave your content behind when you left the group. Or because the action of agreeing to a member's suggestion that you add a photo to a group, means it will be there…
5 July 2024 - Club News
- 05 Jul 2024Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Welcoming new members. Allow us to remind you of the New Club Members - most recent page. With the wonderful new online message to new members, the team moderator no longer has to send a personal ipermail to them. However, you can choose to visit this page and engage with these new members, like our long time member Jaap van 't Veen does. So, our thanks to Jaap, and may we encourage others to join in this activity of simply being friendly. Is an…
7 June 2024 - Club News
- 07 Jun 2024Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Notes for new members. It was a task for the Moderator to send an ipermail to new members with useful information. This would inevitably not be at the instant of registration. It also required a decision on who to exclude as likely spammers. The text is now available in our 7 supported languages, as item 1.6 in the FAQ section. We view this as an overall improvement, while accepting the loss of the personal touch. This is mitigated by community bein…
Site wide SSL is finally here!
- 25 May 2024Dear members and friends of ipernity, ============================ For those of you still having problems: If trying to add a new photo to a group, and there is no drop-down list, the first thing to try is the Ctrl+F5 to Refresh. See paragraph below for more about refreshing. If that does not solve the problem, you can try closing and restarting your browser . We do not expect to be able to allow the apps (iPhone or Android) to upload photos. But this is possible with either the…
3 May 2024 - Club News
- 03 May 2024Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Summary of the General Assembly of Members. We thank all of you who attended the online meeting. Please refer to the separate article: 2024 IGA Report . We have a plan to simplify the voting process, without the need for emails with links to each PollUnit, while still having a secure voting system. 2) Meeting in the real world. Last weekend, numerous ipernity members went to Hamburg to meet face to face. See Hamburg 2024 group . With…
2024-03-30 Amendments to the Statutes (Proposal)
- 31 Mar 2024English ARTICLE VII b – CASH AUDITORS AND DATA PROTECTION OFFICER Section 1 – Election and role: The full members present at the Ipernity General Assembly shall appoint two one Cash Auditor s who shall be responsible for certifying the annual financial report compiled by the Treasurer prior to the Ipernity General Assembly. A second Cash Auditor and a Data Protection Officer may also be appointed. The Cash Auditor s (s) shall present their report at the Ipernity Gene…
IGA (ipernity general assembly) 2024
- 24 Mar 2024Dear Full Club Members of ipernity, The IGA 2024 will take place on Sunday, April 7, 2024, 6pm Paris (16:00 UTC). Please check your clock for the correct time in your country. Your time zone ============================================================ We encourage all full club members to attend. ▶️ Follow this link to the sign up procedure . The verification of your identity is only necessary, if you are participating for the first time. Otherwise, we only require…
How to participate in the IGA 2024
- 29 Mar 2024How the IGA will be run 2024 (Note: Some links will only be available after being signed up to attend) As an international community, the IGA takes place online and will be on Sunday, April 7, 2024 at 16:00 (UTC). The IGA takes place in the 'Ipernity General Assembly' group's discussions found here: IGA Group Discussions 1) How to Sign Up Register to attend by April 3rd, 2024. 2) How To Vote Learn voting method for 2024 (same as for 2023) before the meeting d…
IGA 2024 - Treasurer's Report on 2023
- 02 Apr 2024IGA2024 - Treasurer's report on 2023 Related Annual Financial Report 2023 IGA2024 - Rapport de la trésoriere sur l'année 2023 États financiers annuels rapport 2023 IGA2024 - Bericht der Schatzmeisterin über das Jahr 2023 Zugehöriger Finanzbericht 2023
2024 IGA - Agenda
- 30 Mar 2024Agenda of the Ipernity General Assembly 2024 (IGA2024) Ordre du jour de l'Assemblée Générale d'Ipernity 2024 (IGA2024) Tagesordnung der Ipernity-Mitglieder-Generalversammlung 2024 (IGA2024)
IGA 2024 - Report of the President on 2023
- 05 Apr 2024IGA 2024 - Report of the President on 2023 Activity report on the year 2023 IGA 2024 - Rapport du Président sur l'année 2023 Rapport d'activité pour l'année 2023 IGA 2024 - Bericht des Präsidenten über das Jahr 2023 Tätigkeitsbericht über das abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr 2023
5 April 2024 - Club News
- 23 Apr 20241) Ipernity General Assembly (IGA 2024) will take place Sunday, April 7th, 2024. For registered attendees only, (the deadline to participate was April 3rd), the following documents will be made available at least 24 hours in advance: ● Annual Financial Statement 2023 ● IGA 2024 - Treasurer's Report on 2023 ● IGA 2024 - Report of the President on 2023 ● IGA 2024 - Motions to Agenda item 11 (Miscellaneous) Please read these documents before the meeting to save time. Make a…
1 March 2024 - Club News
- 01 Mar 2024Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) One month until IGA. Sign up by April 3rd in order to attend. Our annual membership meeting will be held online on Sunday April 7th 2024, 5pm [Correction: 6pm] Paris (16:00 UTC) . Please see Sign-Up Procedure for IGA . For anyone who has not attended previously, a look at the IGA group will give you an idea of how the meeting is conducted online. There are two mandates open for election. 2) Meeting in the real world. We are inde…
2 February 2024 - Club News
- 02 Feb 2024Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Two months until IGA. Sign up for the meeting now. Our annual membership meeting is due to be held on Sunday April 7th 2024, 5pm Paris (16:00 UTC) . "When are the others turning up?" Don't delay, please see Sign-Up Procedure for IGA . For anyone who has not attended previously, a look at the IGA group will give you an idea of how the meeting is conducted online. 2) Speaking of groups of animals... Our team advisor, past Club…
5 January 2024 - Club News
- 05 Jan 2024Dear members and friends of ipernity, "We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne." - Robert Burns With the ringing in of the new year, we wish our ipernity community a year of joy, laughter, and of course, lots of shared photos and images! The team is grateful for everything we've done together in the past year. May the excitement of what's yet to come fill our website and your lives. 1) Revision for user creating a new group. Relating to item 20 of the 'problems…
1 December 2023 - Club News
- 01 Dec 2023Dear members and friends of ipernity, Seasons Greetings! With the coming change of season we are reminded that we are a global community. We are happy that here on our website we are able to enjoy, both the cold low winter light and the brightness of hot summer. What a pleasure to share these moments with each other. We are thankful for this community which shows us how varied our world is. Peace be with you. 1) Statement from our Club President about AI images. We've notice…
3 November 2023 - Club News
- 03 Nov 2023Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Bulletin from our club president. On 7 October 2023 we were presented with a claim for monetary damages from a well-established and reputable German-headquartered company that specializes in obtaining compensation from intellectual property theft (e.g. copyright infringements) because of the actions of an ipernity member. He is now a past member because his account was promptly deleted along with the image that had been uploaded without the photog…
6 October 2023 - Club News
- 05 Oct 2023Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Revised Landing Page. The selection of images for the Landing Page has been made, and the software update implemented, see Explore . You will note that the image changes each time the page is refreshed. This is on a random basis, so you might get the same image twice, but most of the time it will be different. We hope that this refresh, suggested by our membership, helps new members engage with the text and our website, and that our current me…
1 September 2023 - Club News
- 01 Sep 2023Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) World Photography Day - August 19th, 2023. What a great success! For this year's event 70 people captured their photographic day and interests literally from all over the world. From favorite cameras, to the depths of the night sky, from well planned out images to spontanious discoveries, our members celebrated the gift of photography. View all the wonderful contributions in the group here and join in the conversations about why and how th…
4 August 2023 - Club News
- 04 Aug 2023Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) World Photography Day - August 19th, 2023. Will your photo be out of this world? Get your cameras ready! Our annual World Photography Day celebration is happening soon. Remember that contributions will need to be taken on August 19th. More details will be posted in a news article about a week before the event. 2) Online kindness. iperni…
7 July 2023 - Club News
- 07 Jul 2023Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) The ipernity homepage. You can now click on the artist's name to go directly to the original photo. This will pause the slideshow ready for your return, after viewing the original. This new link will hopefully be beneficial to the artist as well as to non-members who will see exactly what our main individual photo pages look like. 2) Group highlight. A group that had lain dormant for many months now has a new admin team. New admin, Roger, w…
Club News - 5 May 2023
- 05 May 2023Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Picture-in-picture (PiPs) in lightbox. The full screen 'Lightbox view [z]' now displays PiPs. It does not allow you to edit your own PiPs, but the feature is designed to help you be aware of PiPs when viewing other people's photos. The outline rectangles appear as you move the mouse, and then fade out when you stop moving the mouse. This is unlike the main photo page where they are always visible when the mouse is over the photo. The rectangle…
2023-04-07 Club News
- 07 Apr 2023Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Outreach support needed (advisory position). For our club to have a good future, it needs to be better known. Therefore, we need to promote ipernity. There are many ways to do this. Some of them have already been put in place. But we need someone who has a little time to keep these activities alive. New ways of promoting ipernity could also be found. Advisors would coordinate with the team, but have autonomy to run their own projects. There is…
2023 IGA Report
- 27 Mar 2023Dear members and friends of ipernity, Last Saturday, March 25th, 2023 the Ipernity General Assembly 2023 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities in 2022. The following links provide information on the course of the Assembly and the results: ● Agenda of the 2023 IGA ● Participants in the 2023 IGA ● President's report on 2022 ● Treasurer's report on 2022 ● Annual financial report for 2022 ● Minutes of the 2023 IGA…
2023-03-03 Club News
- 03 Mar 20231) It's spring now! Seasonally fitting, we now welcome all visitors to our website with the spring pictures you provided. Thank you for your support! You can watch all the current spring pictures as a slideshow on YouTube . 2) Positive news - We are keeping the membership contributions stable. Last year, the expenses for the servers we rent from Amazon Web Service (AWS) increased. (We will provide you with exact figures at the IGA.) Nevertheless, the ima team has agreed not to incr…
IGA (ipernity general assembly) 2023
- 24 Feb 2023Dear Full Club Members of ipernity, The IGA 2023 will take place on Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 6pm CET. Please check your clock for the correct time in your country. Your time zone ============================================================ We encourage all full club members to attend. ▶️ Follow this link to the sign up procedure . The verification of your identity is only necessary, if you are participating for the first time. Otherwise, we only require an email to im…
2023-02-03 Club News
- 06 Feb 2023Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Website update: Improved album listing when uploading. Until now, if you wanted to put a photo into one of your albums, it was often difficult to find this. This was because your albums were previously displayed based on the order in which they were created, with the most recent albums on top (see the following illustration, left-hand). In addition, the list was limited to fifty albums. This limit was expandable, but it was cumbersome. The d…
2023-01-06 Club News
- 06 Jan 2023Dear members and friends of ipernity, As the world turns, our global membership is experiencing changes in the weather from one season to another. For many it is the cold arriving for winter, but for others the warmth of summer or mild fluctuations at their equatorial locals. Whichever way your seasons flow, we wish you a Happy New Year! 1) User Interface Improvements. 1a) Membership renewal by bank transfer. In an effort to make the method for bank transfer membership re…
2022-12-02 Club News
- 02 Dec 2022Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Winter is here. Yesterday was the meteorological beginning of winter. We have updated the homepage pictures accordingly. We thank all those who contributed with pictures, as well as those who helped with the selection. You can browse the picture collection, which also contains many new photos, in this album , but also as a slide show on YouTube . 2) Take your camera to snap fresh winter pictures. If you feel the desire to show winter…
2022-10-21 Club News
- 20 Oct 2022Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Let's get up and dance! Request for music suggestions for the winter slideshow uploaded to YouTube. There was feedback that the music chosen for the autumn slideshow was too melancholic. For the winter, 'Chris de Burgh / When Winter Comes' is envisaged. Do you have a better idea? Make your suggestions in a comment below. Note : Proposals need to be instrumental music of about 3 minutes duration. The music should be accompanying music…
2022-09-02 Club News
- 02 Sep 2022For other languages: ipernity club members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) This weekend we are celebrating a 5 years anniversary , as on September 1, 2017, we members took over the operation of this website and thus saved it from disappearing. Since then, we have overcome all challenges. We a…
2022-08-05 Club News
- 05 Aug 2022For other languages: ipernity club members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) For the first time, there was the opportunity to score the pictures for the ipernity homepage . Of the 40 proposals, the 30 best will be taken . The…
The ipernity Homepage - Part 2
- 22 Jun 2022For other languages: ipernity club members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) The first article about the ipernity homepage told about its history and defined its purpose. The homepage shall present ipernity attractively and motivate visitors from the web to take a closer look at us. It is a promotional vehicle. It must be so inviting that visitors are ea…
2022-06-03 Club News
- 03 Jun 2022For other languages: ipernity club members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Summertime is here, and the pictures on our homepage have been updated to the Summer Collection 2022 . Many thanks to the club members who have contributed to this collection. 2) The pictures can also be viewed as a YouTube Slide…
The ipernity Homepage - Part 1
- 03 Jun 2022For other languages: ipernity club members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Sometimes when we ask our members to submit photos for the ipernity homepage, they answer: "I don't know it at all. I've been a member of ipernity for many years and never visit the homepage." Or: "I'm not interested in our…
2022-05-06 Club News
- 06 May 2022For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Hamburg meetup. Last week, between Thursday and Sunday, about 30 ipernity members from Germany, Austria and Switzerland (and maybe other cou…
2022-04-22 Club News
- 22 Apr 2022For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, Happy Earth Day ! Please take a moment today to honor the earth and to wish for peace. Perhaps today is a good day to take a photo of the natural world…
2022-04-08 Club News
- 08 Apr 2022For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Last Sunday, March 27, 2022, the Ipernity General Assembly 2022 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities i…
IGA 2022 - Agenda item 11 (Miscellaneous)
- 26 Mar 2022We have received the following motion from our member Berny : "For members of the "Club", in addition to the nickname, the full clear name (first and last name) and at least the country of origin must be visible to other members of the "Club". Only then are commenting, the function as administrator of groups or other special functions possible. Otherwise Ipernity would not be a "Club", although this is precisely what is always emphasised, that we are a "Club" and not a normal photo si…
2022-03-04 Amendment of the Statutes (Proposal)
- 04 Mar 2022English ARTICLE VII – THE BOARD OF THE ASSOCIATION Section 1 – Composition and responsibilities of the Board: The Board of the Association consists of up to five members. To the extent permitted by law, they may deputise for each other. and reassign The responsibilities and duties described below may be reassigned by resolution of the Board at any time during the its term of office. Section 10 – Executive Assistants: Each member of the Board may nominate at his…
2022-03-04 Agenda of the IGA 2022
- 04 Mar 2022Agenda of the Ipernity General Assembly 2022 (IGA2022) Ordre du jour de l'Assemblée Générale d'Ipernity 2022 (IGA2022) Tagesordnung der Ipernity-Mitglieder-Generalversammlung 2022 (IGA2022)
2022-03-04 Candidatures for the Board
- 04 Mar 2022In reply to our various calls for candidatures for the mandates of Vice-President and Treasurer, the following three persons have come forward: Blue rubber octopus (Ben Mesander) - as Vice-President. Ben has been a member since 2013. He wrote a download tool for ipernity in 2016 and offered help to establish an internal programming team early last year. He stands for the freedom of art. In this respect, he fits our spirit. In his professional life he works as an executive leader of s…
2022-03-24 Club News
- 24 Mar 2022For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) We would like to remind you that the sign up deadline for this year's Ipernity General Assembly will end tomorrow, Friday, March 25, 2022 at midnight (Paris time). The same deadline appl…
IGA2022 - Annual Financial Statement on 2021
- 23 Mar 20222021 ima Annual Financial Statement 2021 États financiers annuels de l'ima 2021 ima Jahresabschluss
IGA2022 - Treasurer's report on 2021
- 23 Mar 2022IGA2022 - Treasurer's report on 2021 Related Annual Financial Statements 2021 IGA2022 - Rapport du trésorier sur l'année 2021 États financiers annuels correspondants 2021 IGA2022 - Bericht des Schatzmeisters über das Jahr 2021 Zugehöriger Jahresabschluss 2021
IGA 2022 - Report of the President on 2021
- 23 Mar 2022IGA2022 - Report of the President on 2021 Activity report on the year 2021 IGA2022 - Rapport du Président sur l'année 2021 Rapport d'activité pour l'année 2021 IGA2022 - Bericht des Präsidenten über das Jahr 2021 Tätigkeitsbericht über das abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr 2021
Be a part of shaping ipernity's future!
- 28 Jan 2022For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, On March 27, 2022, two mandates within the ima team will become vacant. We invite loyal and active club members to join the ima team to continue shaping the future of ipernity:…
Log-in Problem with Firefox 96.0 (solved)
- 15 Jan 2022On January 12, 2022, Mozilla released the updated version 96.0 of the Firefox browser . This causes a log-in error with ipernity . But obviously this is not only an ipernity problem: As an interim solution, you can use Chrome, Opera or other browsers. If you prefer to overcome the log-in problem with Firefox, you can use the following workaround, which was published by Boarischa Krautmo : ♦…
2021-12-24 Merry Christmas
- 24 Dec 2021For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, Today, we would like to thank you all for being a part of our community. We are grateful for your loyalty, and dedication as you share your passion for photography with us, especially during this unusual year. We wish you and your families a p…
New Club Members - most recent
- 04 Mar 2025Manuel Wesser ← publicly active Allen Smith Horst Kostka ← publicly active Wolfgang Werel ← publicly active Min Li DBZ67 ← publicly active Herr Schmidt ← publicly active Christiane ← publicly active Roland Röseler ← publicly active Klaus Fenzl ← publicly active <br / Sylvie Wittmann ← publicly active Stefan Lattermann ← publicly active Susan Miller-king ← publicly active Roland Clark ← publicly active Saints Art ←…
2021-04-22 Server Maintenance ⚠️
- 22 Apr 2021For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, A server hardware replacement will take place between 12:00 and 14:00 CEST on Friday 23, April 2021 . This will result in a short downtime (5 to 10 minutes) of our website. We ask for your understanding. Your ima team
2021-04-02 Club News
- 02 Apr 2021For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Last Sunday, March 29, 2021, the Ipernity General Assembly 2021 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities in 2020. The p…
IGA 2021 - Questions
- 27 Mar 2021For all participants of the IGA 2021 In view of the large number of registered attendees of the Assembly (51), we invite you to ask any questions you may have in advance. This will make the debates during the meeting less stressful. We will answer all questions collectively during the meeting. Please always start your question with the agenda item number so that we can allocate it correctly (see example in the first comment below ). Your ima team Agenda of t…
IGA2021 - Annual Financial Statements 2020
- 27 Mar 20212020 ima Annual Financial Statements 2020 États financiers annuels de l'ima 2020 ima Jahresabschluss
IGA2021 - Report of the President
- 27 Mar 2021IGA2021 - Report of the President Activity report on the year 2020 IGA2021 - Rapport du Président Rapport d'activité pour l'année 2020 IGA2021 - Bericht des Präsidenten Tätigkeitsbericht über das abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr 2020
IGA2021 - Report of the CFO
- 27 Mar 2021IGA2021 - Report of the CFO Related Annual Financial Statements 2020 IGA2021 - Rapport du CFO États financiers annuels correspondants 2020 IGA2021 - Bericht des CFO Zugehöriger Jahresabschluss 2020
2021-02-26 Agenda of the Ipernity General Assembly 2021
- 26 Feb 2021Agenda of the Ipernity General Assembly 2021 (IGA2021) Ordre du jour de l'Assemblée Générale d'Ipernity 2021 (IGA2021) Tagesordnung der I pernity-Mitglieder-Generalversammlung 2021 (IGA2021)
Terms of Membership (as of January 19, 2021)
- 13 Jan 2021⏩ previous version (for comparison) Terms of Membership 1. Name and address of the association The contracting party is the Ipernity Members Association (IMA), a non-commercial association under French law with its headquarters at 16 rue Marie Gausson, 94350 Villiers-sur-Marne, France, registered at the Sous-préfecture de Nogent-sur-Marne, 4 Avenue de Lattre de Tassigny Cedex, 94735 Nogent-sur-Marne, France, under no. W942006250. 2. Membership By paying the chosen…
2020-12-24 Merry Christmas!
- 24 Dec 2020Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, Unfortunately, our IT specialists were not able to repair the disruption of the upload function before Christmas. The cause is that the Amazon cloud no longer accepts the previous data transfer protocol. Solving this problem is extremely difficult, because the ipernity software is very complex, and any documentation is rather limited.…
Newsflash 2020-10-24
- 23 Oct 2020Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The 'ipernity advertising' group , in which we bundle all advertising activities for ipernity, now has 77 members. We are pleased about the lively participation. 2) In this group, a small active subgroup YouTube has now formed, producing short videos to improve our presence on YouTube. Here are the latest produ…
2020-05-08 Newsflash
- 08 May 2020[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The image editing via PicMonkey works again. The manufacturer of this program has repaired its interface. 2) But there is free access only to the old version of PicMonkey. This is based on the Adobe Flash Player, whose days are numbered because the technology is outdated: why-is-adobe-flash-player-shutting-down 3) It is therefore to be expected that this old version of PicMonkey will not be online for much longer. We recommend you to…
IGA2020 - Report of the CEO
- 28 Mar 2020IGA2020 - Report of the CEO IGA2020 - Rapport du CEO IGA2020 - Bericht des CEO
IGA2020 - Report of the CFO
- 28 Mar 2020IGA2020 - Report of the CFO Related Annual Financial Statements 2019 IGA2020 - Rapport du CFO États financiers annuels correspondants 2019 IGA2020 - Bericht des CFO zugehöriger Jahresabschluss 2019
2019-03-13 Agenda of the Ipernity General Assembly 2020
- 13 Mar 2019Agenda of the Ipernity General Assembly 2020 (IGA2020) Ordre du jour de l'Assemblée Générale d'Ipernity 2020 (IGA2020) Tagesordnung der ipernity-Mitglieder-Generalversammlung 2020 (IGA2020)
2020-03-13 Amendments of the IMA Statutes
- 13 Mar 2020The ima team proposes changes in the following parts of the ima statutes: ARTICLE V – MEMBERSHIP Section 1 – Membership requirements: Membership ( basic or premium ) is open to any physical person aged 16 years or older. Membership is granted upon payment of the annual membership fee. Section 3 – Members' rights: Each member may vote for the election of the members of the Board. Members age 21 or older may be elected to the Board. Premium members are entitled to use all features…
2020-03-13 Nominations for the next ima Team
- 13 Mar 2020[EN] In accordance with the statutes, the following mandates are to be newly filled this year: A: Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer (CMO, election period until 2022) B: Chief Technology Officer (CTO, election period until 2022) C: Two auditors (Election period until 2021) The ima team proposes the following candidates: A: Dr. Bernhard Westrup , Austria B: Rob Stamp , United Kingdom C1: Markus Fritsch , Germany C2: Thomas Reck , Germany Candidatures from the member…
2020-03-13 Official invitation to the Ipernity General Assembly 2020 (IGA2020)
- 13 Mar 2020[EN] Dear club members of ipernity! 1) We hereby officially invite you to attend the IGA2020 in accordance with article VI,3 of the Statutes of the Ipernity Members Association as amended on March 5, 2019. 2) The IGA2020 will take place on Sunday, March 29, 2020 at 5pm CEST (15:00 UTC). It will take place as an online meeting via the ipernity platform . According to article V,1 of the Statutes, all club members with a paid account who are older than 16 years and have verified th…
2020-03-06 Newsflash
- 06 Mar 2020[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) On our homepage, which is the showcase for accidental visitors from the World-Wide-Web, your most beautiful spring pictures are now online. We would like to thank all of you who submitted new contributions. 2) The most proposed motives are sea horizons, beaches or lakes, followed by flowers and birds. We are looking forward to getting more pictures with other motifs to make the ip…
2019-06-14 Newsflash
- 24 Jun 2019[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) For the beginning of summer we have changed the frontpage pictures to the new summer collection . We thank all photographers who provided pictures for this. ☞ To see the Frontpage pictures live, as casual visitors from the web, you need to log out and visit again. With [F5] you can scroll through the pictures, with a random order shown. 2) With regard to the database cleanup after August 15, 2019 , we offer…
2019-05-03 Newsflash
- 03 May 2019[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The display of shooting positions has meanwhile been migrated from GoogleMaps to OpenStreetMap. This map is free of charge and has even better accuracy than GoogleMaps. In contrast to earlier times, the exact address and GPS coordinates are now also displayed. You can copy them directly into other applications, such as Google-Earth. 2) For the GEO-positioning of photos we have to use Google's fee-based service until further notice, because…
2019-04-26 Newsflash
- 26 Apr 2019[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) We had to shut down parts of the Google map service at short notice, because the costs have increased dramatically. (Google charged EUR 655 more for March than we budgeted for.) We are now working hard to see whether ipernity can be adapted to cheaper alternatives (OpenStreetMap, Evermaps, Opentopomap, etc.). For the time being,only geo-coordinates will be displayed instead of plain text locations in the location information of the images.…
2019-04-19 Newsflash
- 19 Apr 2019[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) In order to make the payment procedure simpler, Rob has further revised and simplified the subscription page . 2) The new FAQ is now also available online in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. The Dutch version is still under development. Use the Help & Contact link in the footer. 3) With the help of our IT service provider Qwellcode, we have succeeded in removing the dormant contents of long deleted accounts fr…
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