Valfal's favorite articles

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  • Managed a sunset at last.......

    The tide is coming in slowly
    I went out last night - it looked as if it would be a good sunset and as I hadn't been out for a sunset for ages, I decided to go for it! I drove down to the same place in West Appledore as I'd been the other day. I would be facing the sunset and it was somewhere where I could park my car easily and it was a different view.... It was a tad chilly, although no wind, you could still feel that it wasn't a balmy night!!!! The tide was coming in, and the water was like a millpond - so calm…

  • Ooooh it was a tad rough at Westward Ho! today......

    It was a tad rough at Westward Ho! today
    Mandi and I decided to brave the weather {which has been like it since she arrived two weeks ago!!} and go to Westward Ho! and we found the tide was in but the wind was blowing a hooley. It was so bitterly cold there, so I found a place to shelter from the wind and took this video of the sea - you can gather how bad the weather was by the conditions.... On Sunday we'd gone down to Plymouth to see my son, daughter-in-law and grandkids. The trip takes just under 2 and a half hours!! It w…

  • Oh my amaryllis is really opening up........

    IMG 6071
    At last my amaryllis is starting to open up and show me its beauty. This one is an all red one, compared to the white and red one of last year. I've been crafty by using the flash which means the kitchen is in the dark, just as well really, I needed to clean the oven!!!! LOL Well those were taken on the 1st March and so 2 days later I took these. By the look of things, the flower will be fully opened within a week....... It was so nice being able to take the pictures w…

  • Crowdfunding campaign by IMA [EN] [FR] -

    La campagne de financement participatif (crowdfunding) par l'IMA

  • 1 Mars 2017 [EN] [FR]

    [EN] Hello to you all, What is going on in ipernity ? We are patiently waiting for IMA to makes their proposal. Once it will be set, the negotiations will get started. They have officially registered the association to the French office. They are waiting for the paper to come back. If you do not have seen it yet, they published their Bylaws : (English) (French) ipernityma.wixsite.c…

  • 2017, NEW PERSPECTIVES ... [EN] [FR]

    [EN] Hello to you all, The ipernity team presents to you all our very best wishes for the new year! Since the announcement of ipernity’s shutdown, we received many proposals and messages of support either from users and businesses. With the help of several community members, especially Claus-Peter , Paul ( autofantasia ), Eric Desjours , and, William Sutherland , the idea that ipernity could be managed by the community has made its way and seems to be the most realistic solution.…

  • A very Happy New Year to you all

    I just wanted to say happy New Year to you all and let's hope this year will be a peaceful one and that will be kind to us. I've poured a glass of brandy and ginger wine which I forgot to drink last night! So I'll have a drink to toast the new year in. Thank you all so much for your lovely friendships, all are appreciated in ways you couldn't imagine. As I rarely leave my home, you all fill the gap by chatting to me and appreciating my photos and chats. So here's to a great 2017…

  • Busy making soft toys. ......

    20161210 141326
    Sorry I haven't been on here lately but apart from having computer problems I'm also trying to make some soft toys for my grandchildren . I've now got a new computer - a Samsung Tab3. it's a fantastic little bit of equipment but I'm desperate to finish these toys before it's too late! I'm making two penguins at the same time . I didn't have any instructions only photos of the finished toy so have had to guess what goes where ! As you can see , I've tried to n…

  • what's going on

    Dear friendly people of ipernity, What's going on right now ? the head of the team is negotiating with several potential buyers. One seems to be really serious. But nothing is done. What am I doing ? I'm actually reading all your comments (hundreds...) on the latest articles and collecting informations/data on your feelings, ideas, support etc.. thus, to use it to make a "at the moment" state of ipernity. (We may share a survey poll soon) Which means I have fewer time to reply to the su…


    Dear friends, please stay! I do not believe it is helpful to panic, escape from Ipernity, and build refugee communities on other platforms. In order to stay in contact with each other you do not need to escape; you should better stay here where we already have this great community and these contacts. To escape at this point is not rational: It is weakening Ipernity. And it weakens our own community. You are already about to split onto different platforms. I am not saying above on the…

  • Don't get lost ... and don't run away

    ... many Ipers - more than 200 already - have set up a prliminary camp at Flickr, just in case the worst will happen here. (yes, I know, nobody here is really fond of flickr, but what are the options? :-/). You will find us here: cu, Lutz Update Dec. 23rd: Today 351 group members Merry Christmas to everyone, enjoy the holidays

  • Ipernity Closing Down ...

    Dear Team Ipernity ...
    Sad news indeed, but the article posted by Christophe earlier today makes it quite clear that barring a miracle this site will indeed close ... perhaps as soon as the end of January 2017. For many of us this isn't a shock and those that were around in 2015 will no doubt remember my open letter to the team, which sought to shine a light on the fears that many were harbouring: the so-called Elephant In The Room . However, following on from that there was so much goodwill directed to the sta…

  • Hi folks.....

    New acrylic nails
    Sorry that I haven't been on here for a long time, but the damn cold was driving me mad, also I hadn't done anything special or worth writing about, so that didn't help. The main reason though, was a strange one to many of you - I couldn't type because of my nails!!!! When I was out in Turkey, Mandi treated me to a wonderful manicure. Imagine sitting outside in the sun, with copious amounts of coffee offered, while having your nails done - well believe me - it was very relaxing. My own nails…


    Gary Schotel © All rights reserved
    [EN] Time flies as they say! Fall is already here and we have this impression that the year started yesterday. This summer we solved some bugs (especially the Flickr album importer) and we are still working on the adds. We warmly welcome the new users coming from Panoramio. We know that it is never easy to leave a house for another. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via Help & Contact , we are at your disposal! See you soon, The ipernity Team PS: you can always…

  • I gave Ann some seeds......

    IMG 4391 (2)
    In the spring I discovered some packets of seeds with nothing on the front of the packets saying what they were and as Ann had a lovely bit of free space in her garden, I offered them to her. She took them and planted them in the corner of the raised flower bed. I heard nothing more about them and to be honest, I'd completely forgotten. So today it was a lovely surprise to discover that these seeds had not only grown, they were now over 5ft tall and were sprouting loads of lovely flowers. Th…

  • My daughter's new life in Turkey.........

    My daughter's new life in Turkey
    After so many years of my daughter being very unhappy, to see her bubbling with excitement and that wonderful glow that covers her whenever she's with her husband, Dogan, just fills me with such delight. Now she's got a job, has her own car and life is being good to her at long last. She adores her hubby, who's a wonderful man and who adores her completely, she's got a part time job being a "meet and greet" representative for an airline company and as she works 3 evenings a week, she still has e…

  • Evie's cat came a'calling...........

    Lotti makes an appearance
    I had a visitor the other day - Lotti. Yvonne [Evie] has a gorgeous little Burmese cat called Lotti and she is very adventurous. Now Evie lives at the bottom of my garden - not IN my garden, but in a gorgeous bungalow situated at the other side of my garden hedge!!!! Thought I'd better clarify that, before some of you made the odd comment!! Well as you probably are aware - cats are quite territorial, and I'm lucky enough to have a large garden which my cats can call their territory. The odd s…

  • I was treated to an afternoon trip....

    Rosemoor House - a gorgeous Georgian house
    My neighbour Yvonne treated me to an afternoon out to a Royal Horticultural Society garden near our town, called Rosemoor House. I've wanted to go there to see the gardens for many years now, but as I've become more unable to walk, I thought I'd never get to see them. Well she pre-booked a mobility scooter for me to use and then she came round to pick me up and whisk me off. Oh wow - what a fantastic place - I actually took over 250 pictures - I was clicking away like a demented dervish!!!!!…

209 articles in total