Valfal's favorite articles

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  • What eclipse eh................

    Just lots of blobs really
    Well today has come and almost gone, and it was supposed to be one to remember for a long time - an eclipse. I'd sorted out my camera and had got the calendar on my phone reminding me about the eclipse. The media has been banging on relentlessly about the fact that the next eclipse in the UK will be in 2090 and surprise, surprise - I won't be here, so that was why this would be a very special one. I was told that the eclipse would start around 8.30am and finish around 10.30. So I was all up a…

  • Some gradients for PicMonkey

    Because I'm always curious to find new ways to do things, here's the best way I could find how to add gradient on PicMonkey: Copy these gradient images I created onto your computer: At Ipernity open one of your images to edit it on PicMOnkey. Go to 'Textures > Your Own > Open my texture', and open the gradient.jpg or vignette.jpg from your computer. Change the '…

  • Garbage in Photography

    Doll (2013) Prior to the early 20th century, garbage was not considered photographic art. In fact it was not considered to be art at all. Consequently, if it appeared in photographs, it was accidental or unavoidable such in pictures documenting poverty and social issues (e.g. sanitation strikes, health hazards). A prominent 19th century photographer that included garbage in his photos while advocating for the poor was Jacob Riis (1849-1914) when he documented the lives of New York City’s…

  • This is a beautiful video of Dartmoor

    If you've ever read Sir Arthur Conan Doyles' Sherlock Holmes - Hound of the Baskervilles, this is where it's set. I took our Mickey there when he came down last year - it's an amazing place - very broody and atmospheric... I hope you enjoy it

  • Registering Your Copyright With the Library of Congress

    Great Article!

  • For the Sake of Islam and the Great Prophet Mohammed

    Comic Frame 002
    Reckless calls for the death of those who engage in free expression must STOP! If one doesn't like a cartoon or some other statement, they can avoid it. For instance, I do not like pornography. Therefore I avoid it. However, at the same time, I do NOT call for the death of those who support this industry or participate in it nor reject their God-given right to do so. As for the cover of Charlie Hebdo No. 1178 -- it is anything but blasphemous or insulting. It humanizes Mohammed (after all in…

  • is it just me ...

    Struggling to keep up to date ... As you may know, if you're a regular visitor to my photostream, I'm one of the many that migrated from flickr last year and putting to one side the fact that my photos here get fewer visitors I have no regrets making the change. I've found ipernity to be a much cleaner, fresher and easier site to navigate. Equally important, I've found it to be a site that my broadband connection can cope with. Yes, there are some things I miss about flickr, not lea…

  • Why have groups

    I and a Majority of Members of Ipernity want the right to link back to where I saw an image in any optional form set out by a group. As said before what is the point of having ipernity groups at all if there is a continued ban on linking back to a group. ( for those who don’t want a link back they can chose there settings to avoid how comments appear on their page) A continued lack or resolve of this issue has so far led to so many groups closing and many members leaving Ipernity. It is my o…

  • Pod Sisters & Cyber Brothers, I Salute You!

    124/365: "Friendship is a word, the very sight of which in print makes the heart warm." ~ Augustine Birrell [Explore to #6!]
    One of the nicest things about online photography sites like ipernity is how it brings us all together into a close-knit community of like-minded friends. Flickr was my first online photography home and as I began to become a better photographer, I also made new friends. As important as it is to take pictures, it's also very important to look at other people's photography for inspiration, instruction, and often to see the world in a completely different way. Part of my daily routine (unless I…

209 articles in total