autofantasia's favorite articles

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  • 2021-12-03 Club News

    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and fri…

  • Coronavirus

    Letters sent out by the Government giving advice for vulnerable people

  • How free is a free site?

    Why a user owned and operated platform is probably the best organisation model for a social community both in terms of costs and privacy.

  • Explore Returns!

    I have been slowly getting back to participating on ipernity again, and it was such a pleasure to learn that Explore is finally up and running! I don't know about you, but this was an important tool for me to use to meet new people and as another way to keep up with old friends! I didn't realize just how much I would miss it until it was gone! I know some people look at Explore as litttle more than a "popularity contest", but that is not the real purpose of this feature. It was intended as a…

  • 2017-09-08 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear Members, we want to inform you about the progress of the transfer process contemporarily today: 1) Unfortunately there are still technical difficulties with regard to the transfer of the bank accounts from IPERNITY S.A. to IMA, concerning use of certain credit cards. We are working to solve those problems. In this context there are also technical difficulties with PAYPAL in several cases. We estimate that these problems will be resolved Friday, 15th of September, 2017. We also a…

  • how to make an orb in gimp

    How to make this orb image and get a smooth join. Here's the original: I used GIMP to make the orb the following way: In GIMP the source image can be any shape and you'll get a circular result, (I think in other packages you'd need to scale the source to a rectangle first). 1) created a test orb using 'Filters>Distorts>Polar Coordinates' to see what happened. 2) the 'horizon' didn't match at the seam so I undid rotated slightly, redid and just repeat…

  • Social Medias : present your pictures ! [EN][FR]

    ipernity social
    [EN] Hello everyone, As we noted in our previous article we are willing to deploy ipernity on social networks starting with Facebook . To do this, we need you ! We created a group to give you the opportunity to share your photos with us. However, there are some rules : The share button must be enabled: check your settings HERE Format: ideally 1024 x 768 pixels; landscape; square No frame (or as thin as possible) Recent or popular images Ideally licensed CC No graphi…

  • Flickr Fiasco Turns Into An Ipernity Windfall

    Update 21-APR-2018: Flickr Acquired by SmugMug > See also: Not anymore -- the love affair is over : Team iPernity: We Do Not Have Good News - 1 DEC 2016 . . . . . . . Since Flickr dramatically revamped their website (unbeknownst and without warning to their users), many disgruntled members wrote of t…


    The lonely
    Happy Birthday ipernity (cool surprise at the end of article)

  • Wo werden wir mittelfristig Bilder im Internet zeigen? Where are we going to present our fotos on the net mid term?

    For an English version scroll down please! Zumindest die Panoramigos unter uns haben allmählich ja Erfahrung mit abschaltenden photo sharing sites im web. Auch jetzt stellt sich für viele user die Frage: Wohin mit meinen Bildern? Wie kann ich meine photo-affinen Onlinekontakte aufrechterhalten und pflegen? Für die meisten von uns scheint Flickr zumindest ein Überwinterungsdomizil zu sein, bis ein neuer Frühling eine neue Photoseite unter dem Eis der wirtschaftlichen Zwänge freilegt ;-) Ein gebranntes Kind scheut natürlich das Feuer und deshalb habe ich einmal versucht, abzuschätzen, wann Flickr denn (wie das mit Foto-Seiten so üblich ist) abgeschaltet wird.......

  • what's going on

    Dear friendly people of ipernity, What's going on right now ? the head of the team is negotiating with several potential buyers. One seems to be really serious. But nothing is done. What am I doing ? I'm actually reading all your comments (hundreds...) on the latest articles and collecting informations/data on your feelings, ideas, support etc.. thus, to use it to make a "at the moment" state of ipernity. (We may share a survey poll soon) Which means I have fewer time to reply to the su…

  • Suggestions for alternatives ...

    I am starting to look for a new home. I will be backing up my stuff here from today. Results of my investigations to follow ... so far, almost everything looks like a fl****r clone ! Updates - 5th December 2016 ... Tried 23hq --- OK, but not as functional as here and I'm not convinced about security. Tried 500pix looks like a fl888r clone and not fun to use. will have a look at smugmug and zenfolio tomorrow…

  • Preserving History

    small IMGP3177
    If you're like most people on this site, I suspect you take a few thousand photos yearly. I know I do. I'll be honest, a great many of mine are hardly worthy of a second look, but they accumulate in my computer's hard disk. Maybe a hundred or so yearly warrant that second look. Some, though even fewer, deserve 'historical retention' (for want of a better term). Let's work on the thought that the image of a great sunset, general landscape or flower isn't going to have 'historical retent…

  • Unofficial User Poll - Make Your Vote Count!

    All of the uncertainty over the future of ipernity and the ongoing discussions about how to secure its finances got me thinking about what this great site has to offer and more importantly just how much we’d be willing, or need, to pay to keep it afloat. In the past I’ve said I’d happily pay twice the current subscription fees and I’ve seen lots of other members make similar statements, but recent developments seem to indicate that based on current membership numbers even that level of undert…

  • A complementary information [EN]

    La version française est disponible ici .


    Dear friends, please stay! I do not believe it is helpful to panic, escape from Ipernity, and build refugee communities on other platforms. In order to stay in contact with each other you do not need to escape; you should better stay here where we already have this great community and these contacts. To escape at this point is not rational: It is weakening Ipernity. And it weakens our own community. You are already about to split onto different platforms. I am not saying above on the…

  • And now? Happily updated.

    This article was first written when ipernity management announced the imminent closure of the site, from about the end of January 2017. Things have moved on and, at last (!!! :)) , the site has passed fully to the Ipernity Members' Association. As this is my preferred site for friendly contact with other photographic enthusiasts, might I suggest to those of you who have been thinking of leaving, that you stay around and help make the site all the great things it could be. I've just lo…

  • NEW - EDITED >> "There'll be problems ahead ..." or not ?

    The IMA have launched CROWDFUNDING ... With a target of $25,000 in "two weeks" - this is to secure the platform whilst the takeover project is planned and achieved. March 2017 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Things have moved on ..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ADDED - new article from Team Ipernity - 10th January 2017 "New Perspectives" quote snipped…

  • Ipernity Closing Down ...

    Dear Team Ipernity ...
    Sad news indeed, but the article posted by Christophe earlier today makes it quite clear that barring a miracle this site will indeed close ... perhaps as soon as the end of January 2017. For many of us this isn't a shock and those that were around in 2015 will no doubt remember my open letter to the team, which sought to shine a light on the fears that many were harbouring: the so-called Elephant In The Room . However, following on from that there was so much goodwill directed to the sta…

27 articles in total