Rainer Blankermann's favorite articles

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  • 2019-11-08 Newsflash

    Newsflash 2019-11-10 Pic1 [EN]
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! For the final realization of the Basic subscription and the Trial subscription (see: summary of subscription options ), it was necessary to adjust the existing booking and payment processes accordingly. All these options are now fully implemented, tested and active . The following applies: 1) A new subscription can only be booked by holders of a Guest account. 2) First of all, only the 3-month free Trial Standard subscription can…

  • 2019-10-25 Newsflash

    Implementation of the multi-year subscriptions
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The new multi-year subscription options are now implemented in the ipernity subscription page . The payment process is now very simple in this respect. There are fewer possibilities for errors, the accounting is relieved. 2) The recalculated contributions for an ipernity standard subscription vary between 3.98 Euro per month (six monthly paymen…

  • 2019-08-30 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The number of new club accounts created in the first 8 months of 2019, now +74, already exceeds the total number of new club accounts created in 2018 (+62). The number of active club accounts even increased by +82 from 1,298 to 1,380 since the beginning of the year. This makes us very optimistic. 2) In addition, members of the VIEW Fotocommunity are currently interested in finding a new home for their photo hobby due to the closure of…

  • 2019-08-13 Malfunction / Dysfonctionnement / Störung

    [EN] We currently have a server malfunction. For unknown reasons one of the parallel working frontend servers is obviously looking towards an old version of ipernity. We are trying to fix this problem as soon as possible. Your IMA team [FR] Nous avons actuellement un dysfonctionnement d'un serveur. Pour des raisons inconnues, l'un des serveurs frontaux s'exécutant en parallèle fonctionne manifestement sur une ancienne version d'ipernity. Nous essayons de résoudre ce problème…

  • 2019-07-28 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) During the last 6 months our website has been updated in many parts. In addition to all kinds of small bug fixes, the Breaking-News function and the freely adjustable background color have been introduced. The “Terms of Service” have been updated as well as “About ipernity” and “History”. The subscription page has been redesigned, the old FAQ replaced by a completely new version. The geo-localization was migrated to Open-Street-Map, the inte…

  • 2019-07-05 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! To address questions being raised about Irene Steeves and her groups, I regret to say, we received several complaints about content Irene displayed in her photostream. IMA conducted a thorough investigation, from which the results required account suspension/deletion based on the Terms of Service and Guide of Good Conduct. This action was also taken to protect the best interests of all parties involved and stakeholders. As stewards entrusted to…

  • 2019-06-28 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Lately there has been a proliferation of copyrighted third party content presented as own creation. Please be reminded, the Terms of Service prohibit the use of content that violates copyright protections. To protect the best interests of our website and photographers, IMA reserves the right to delete content found to be in violation of copyright laws with or without prior notice. To avoid this inconvenience or embarrassment we strongly rec…

  • 2019-06-14 Newsflash

    New ipernity Option / Nouvelle option d'ipernity / Neue ipernity-Option
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) For the beginning of summer we have changed the frontpage pictures to the new summer collection . We thank all photographers who provided pictures for this. ☞ To see the Frontpage pictures live, as casual visitors from the web, you need to log out and visit www.ipernity.com again. With [F5] you can scroll through the pictures, with a random order shown. 2) With regard to the database cleanup after August 15, 2019 , we offer…

  • 2019-05-31 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The final statement of the fundraising for the reprogramming of ipernity is now available. 75 club members and 145 "free" users participated. The sum of the raised capital amounts to 17,114 EUR (57% of 30,000 EUR). Therefore the reprogramming cannot yet be commissioned as planned. 2) Before we consider external funding opportunities, we would like to address those club members who have not participated to date, although they would be econom…

  • au delà des images et des mots

    LA DAME DU LAC, Là-bas chez TOMI . desmotsimages.blogspot.com/28/07/2009

  • Long live the Chemnitz Valley Viaduct

    HFF - Dem Denkmal ein Denkmal gesetzt ...
    Heute, am Freitag, dem 01. Juni 2018 wurde bekannt, daß der Chemnitztalviadukt erhalten bleibt. Das Eisenbahnbundesamt hat am Freitag Morgen den Planfeststellungsbeschluß veröffentlicht. "Der geplante Abriß des Chemnitztalviaduktes wird aus denkmalschutzrechtlichen Gründen abgelehnt." www.mdr.de/sachsen/chemnitz/eisenbahnviadukt-chemnitz-wird-erhalten-100.html Somit ist der Abriß dieser historischen Brücke aus der Gründerzeit des sächsischen Industriezeita…

  • Israel, Jerusalem, and 14 May 2018

    Article Lead Photo Jerusalem
    Pray for the peace of Jerusalem [Psalm 122:6] Many have voiced their opinions about the recent 14 May 2018 violence along the Gaza border with Israel and the formal opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. Consequently I write this article to express my opinion too especially since based on the well recited quote, “ All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing. ” Although I am a strong supporter for the creation of a viab…

53 articles in total