LutzP's most appreciated articles

  • Gute Fotos? - Laudatio

    - 13 favorites
    In Zeiten von Instagram, iPhone, Selfies und Selfiesticks gerät ernsthafte Fotografie immer mehr ins Abseits. Hier und auch auf anderen Plattformen lese ich immer wieder Beiträge, die sich kritisch mit der dieser Entwicklung auseinander setzen. Daher möchte ich hier die Laudatio anlässlich der Vernissage der 40. Jahresausstellung des Fotoclubs Sinsheim vom 12.9.2016 einstellen, die sich ebenfalls mit diesem Problem auseinender setzt.

  • Irritating to Disappointing - Photos Without Titles, Strange Names and other Nuisances

    - 8 favorites
    What I find somewhat irritating - not only here, but on all similar platforms - are beautiful and well composed photos which just come along with the file name assigned by the camera such as IMG_4711 and nothing else. I see a breathtaking landscape or seascape, a cityscape, a plane or ship or whatever and don't have the foggyest idea as to what or where this may be. Is it so difficult to add a title or give a short explanation? I personally find this practise irritating. Therefore I will not com…

  • Pano / Iper Traditionstreffen in Hamburg 2016

    - 8 favorites
    Auch für 2016 planen wir wieder ein Treffen von fotobegeisterten Hamburg Fans in der Hansestadt. 2015 hatte sich insgeamt 21 auf den Weg gemacht, einige von weit her. Wer sich einen Eindruck verschaffen will, kann hier mal schauen, was 2015 auf dem Programm stand : Wir planen wieder für 2 Tage, wer mag kann eine dritten Tag anhängen. Ich werde wieder drei Tage in der Stadt bleiben. Als Highlights sollten neben den Stadtrundgängen dieses Mal eine Fleetfahrt d…

  • unhappy Days ...

    - 5 favorites
    ... these days. Some of you may have recognized that my group headers for happy Bench Monday (hBM) and happy Fence Friday (hFF) come along with a small h instead of a capital one since February 24th, the beginning of Putin`s war of aggression against Ukraine and not so happy days for many people. I will continue this practice until the end of this war which will only know losers in retrospect. As a token of solidarity, you may consider to join me here. Thanks.

  • You have to see it to believe it - Das glaub ich jetzt nicht - Introducing: Keegan the Photo Coach

    - 5 favorites
    Zufällig bin ich eben über dieses gestolpert: Keegan, the Photo Coach. Ich sag mal weiter nix, einfach ausprobieren und bei Jaqueline Esen nachlesen Hier der Link zu Keegan: Und hier zum Artikel von Jaqueline Esen: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just by accident I stepped on Keegan the Photo Coach : IMHO a masterpiece in Artificial I…

  • Don't get lost ... and don't run away

    - 5 favorites
    ... many Ipers - more than 200 already - have set up a prliminary camp at Flickr, just in case the worst will happen here. (yes, I know, nobody here is really fond of flickr, but what are the options? :-/). You will find us here: cu, Lutz Update Dec. 23rd: Today 351 group members Merry Christmas to everyone, enjoy the holidays

  • The Panoramio photolayer is finally gone

    - 4 favorites
    ... and replaced by the photolayer of Google Maps. But most amazingly: The Panoramio Forum is still active, Google may have forgotten about it.!topic/panoramio-questions-support/dw3UYp1lQdY%5B351-375%5D Edit May, 24th, 2021: Still active, latest entry May 21st ! visit .

  • EU Press Release - New English Orthography (EuroEnglish)

    - 4 favorites
    THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION PRESS RELEASE The European Union Commissioners have announced that an agreement has been reached to adopt English as the preferred language for the communications within the European Union, rather than German, which was the other option. As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty’s Government conceded to the German Government, that English spelling has some room for improvement and has accepted a five-year plan for what will become known as EuroE…

  • What I like here ... and what I'm missing badly - Was mir hier gefällt ... und was ich schmerzlich vermisse!

    - 3 favorites
    Being a Panoranio expat and having explored Ipernity now for about two weeks I like it better here every day. A well organized GUI and a multitude of functions I have not known in the other world are making the live easy here. In addition many functions can be customized by the user, albums can be organized in folders (a function I find very useful, not only for my own photos but also when browsing other member's galleries) and other nice features. Everything seems to be stable and working witho…

  • PC ist altersschwach / PC is suffering from old age - Update August 2021

    - 3 favorites
    [EN] Jan, 10th, 2018 Meanwhile the mainboard and the CPU in my actual desktop PC are 6 years old. Time to think about an upgrade, the more so as the AMD APU (A6-3650) does not support high resolution monitors and with every new release of Lightroom or Photoshop everything becomes slower. And it should be an AMD CPU again, because the intel world is totally alien to me. Since I wanted to keep my 16 GB DDR3 RAM for cost reasons (latest technology DDR4 RAM would cost me an additional 200…

  • ...abgehängt... seit heute (28.5.2022) wieder online

    - 2 favorites
    Seit vorgestern (24.04.2022) habe ich kein Internet, das Problem liegt beim Provider, der das Problem auch bereits bestätigt hat (Leitungsschaden). Termin für die Wiederherstellung 28.4. bis 6.5. Ich werde hier also eine Weile durch Abwesenheit glänzen was ich besonders anlässlich anstehenden HH Treffens bedaure, aber vielleicht ist ja bis dahin wieder alles in Ordnung. Ich werden trotzdem hin und wieder vorbeischauen (mobiler Hotspot über Handy) und freue mich auf eure Fotos, das kommentieren w…

  • Why am I here? - Warum bin ich hier?

    - 2 favorites
    After 2.000 Photos and almost 11 million visits in the recent six years at Panoramio, Google has changed the appearance and functionalities of the platform in a way, which is simply unacceptable to many users. And it's not only the appearance, it's full of bugs! Every other day a new surprise. Moreover Google is evermore greedy for data and expects more and more data to be integrated into their "services". Given the recent disclosures of Edward Snowden it's time to look for an alternative.…

  • Wie Google uns manipuliert - How Google manipulates Android Users

    - 2 favorites
    Wem sein Smartphone oder Tablet anbietet Android 4.4 (KitKat) zu installieren, sollte sich das zweimal überlegen. Es droht eine böse Überraschung . If your Smartphone or Tablet offers an update to Android 4.4 (KitKat), better sleep on it a night or two because you may be in for a nasty surprise!

  • Bei Ipernity angekommen - Finally arrived at Ipernity

    - 2 favorites
    3.1.2015 : Noch immer schaue ich jeden Tag mal bei Panoramio vorbei, ich muss aber zugeben mit immer weniger Enthusiasmus. Zunehmend vermisse oder suche ich da die komfortablen Funktionen, die ich hier zur Verfügung habe und Panoramio kommt mir immer mehr wie eine verlassene Baustelle oder Bauruine vor. Gleichzeitig fühle ich mich hier inzwischen eigentlich mehr zu Hause als drüben. Die fehlende Anbindung an GE verliert auch mehr und mehr an Bedeutung für mich und die Benutzeroberfläche gefäll…

  • Bildrechte "fer umme" - Dreist

    - 2 favorites
    Dass anderen unsere Bilder gefallen, freut uns ja immer, und wenn sie sie dann auch noch für eigene Zwecke kommerziell nutzen wollen, fällt ja in der Regel auch noch ein bescheidener Obulus für uns ab. Kürzlich hat mich der Kraichgau Stromberg Tourismus e.V angeschrieben, weil er 5 meiner Fotos für seine Zwecke nutzen wollte und hat mir die folgende Vereinbarung geschickt. Das finde ich nun wirklich dreist, da werden alle Rechte gefordert bis hin zur Vermarktung an Dritte und die Überlassung erf…

  • Just renewed my Club-Membership / ... hab grad meine Club-Mitgliedschaft verlängert

    - 1 favorite
    ... just to let you know. It is a matter of trust. I believe in a future for ipernity, at least I have tried to do my best to save the platform. ...wollte ich euch nur wissen lassen. Es ist einfach eine Frage des Vertrauens. Ich glaube an eine Zukunft für Ipernity, zumindest habe ich alles versucht um die Plattform zu retten.

  • Building your own film scanner? You must be kidding!

    - 1 favorite
    Jan. 19th, 2016 By the time I retired a couple of years ago I had accumulated over 50 years of photography some 6.000 slides and an unknown number of negative films. All these treasures were boxed up in our basement and we hadn't looked at it for years. And then I dicovered Panoramio, a photo sharing platform, which allows to geotag photos and place them on Google Earth. I decided, that this had to be my thing and I started scanning and uploading my slides. Scanning was done with an availab…

  • Noise: How to determine the best ISO-setting for your camera - Bei welcher ISO-Einstellung rauscht meine Kamera am wenigsten?

    - 1 favorite
    ... well, sounds easy, just set it to the lowest possible value, mostly something between 50 and 100 you may say. However, actually it's not that easy. Surprisingly some cameras have their best (read)noise performance somewhere else. Both my EOS 60D and my 70D have the lowest read noise at ISO 160. This is also true for all CANON SLRs with the 18Mpix sensor and the Digic 4 Processor. And ISO 125 and everthing being a multiple of that should be avoided at all, because at these settings the camera…

  • (Why) Should I join the Club? - (Warum) Sollte ich dem Club beitreten?

    - 1 favorite
    Inititial Post 1.1.2014 : What are the consequences? I'm pondering over this since I am here. The more I think about it, the more reluctant I am to join. Once I join, they have me hooked. I have to continue to pay my annual membership fee or I loose my investment. Or don't I? What if they change the Ts and Cs or the membership fee. Will my account be closed or deleted if I leave the club of failed to pay? How do I leave the club at all? What happens after my one month bonus membership expires…

  • Google is finally shutting down Panoramio

    - 1 favorite
    On November 4th all Panoramio support activities will be discontinued. Access to the photos will be possible for another year, but comment and likes will not be possible. More here: Although I knew that this would happen eventually, it comes to me as shock. However, we may see some of our old friends here sooner or later.