Bergfex's photos with the keyword: ipernity

Illustration #4

10 Jun 2024 1 86
See my article: Pairwise Comparison for Photo Evaluation

Illustration #3

10 Jun 2024 1 66
See my article: Pairwise Comparison for Photo Evaluation

Illustration #2

10 Jun 2024 2 89
See my article: Pairwise Comparison for Photo Evaluation

Illustration #1

10 Jun 2024 3 98
See my article: Pairwise Comparison for Photo Evaluation

Autumn Pictures 2022 - Voting Result (1)

16 Jul 2022 7 534
Click onto the picture to enlarge it. See the article: Autumn Pictures 2022 - Voting Result

Autumn Pictures 2022 - Voting Result (2)

16 Jul 2022 5 508
Click onto the picture to enlarge it. See the article: Autumn Pictures 2022 - Voting Result

Autumn Pictures 2022 - Voting Result (3)

16 Jul 2022 5 504
Click onto the picture to enlarge it. See the article: Autumn Pictures 2022 - Voting Result

QR code for an article

29 Jun 2022 1 2 210
See: Want to try something new?


30 Jun 2022 13 10 442
See my article: Want to try something new?

Sign up before it's too late.

25 Mar 2022 19 3 696
Ipernity Members Association General Assembly 2022 on Sunday, March 27 Sign in until Friday night! ▶️ More information

Flickr vs. ipernity

24 Sep 2020 7 4 262
See my new blog:

Autumn Collection 2020

29 Aug 2020 27 20 687
Compiled with: MAGIX Photostory Deluxe Music: Youtube: Mari Boine - Irresistible Compilation also available here now:

Ruined by ipernity

02 Jul 2020 14 13 303
This morning my office chair got a new seat. This is what the old one looked like after putting up with me for an estimated 5000 hours in 3 years. ~~~~~ Heute Morgen hat mein Bürostuhl einen neuen Sitz bekommen. So sah der alte Sitz aus, nachdem er mich seit September 2017 schätzungsweise 5000 Stunden lang ertragen hat.

Santa Maria Assunta MezzoCORONA

18 Mar 2020 32 19 488
Clock of the Chiesa Santa Maria Assunta in Mezzocorona (Trentino, Italy). The special feature is the dial with the 24h division. (1-12 in Roman numerals in the inner circle of the dial.) ~~~~~ Turmuhr der Chiesa Santa Maria Assunta in Mezzocorona (Trentino, Italien). Die Besonderheit ist das Ziffernblatt mit der 24h-Einteilung. (1-12 in römischen Ziffern im Innenkreis des Ziffernblatts.) ~~~~~ Die Aufnahme zeigt die Turmuhr von Westen. Die Kirche von Süden:

How to find out your ipernity-ID (update)

27 Jun 2019 1 3 279
Follow this link!

My Commitment

14 Feb 2019 7 16 605
Because one should only suggest to others what oneself is willing to do, I accepted the 5-year offer and committed myself for this time - not only with words, but also with money. (Excerpt from the original ipernity database)

Save Money - Renew Now

08 Dec 2018 32 14 1016
ima Newsflash December 7, 2018 (Advertising campaign inspired by a post by Manu in the team blog) No copyrigth - you my spread it all over the world ~~~~~ (Jan 18, 2019)

Where a Will, There a Way

20 Jan 2019 16 9 697
It is true that Photoshop refuses to scan banknotes, - but as with ipernity: Where a will, there a way! (It was more difficult to get a 500 EUR note.) ~~~~~ Zwar verweigert Photoshop das Einscannen von Banknoten, aber - wie bei ipernity: Wo ein Wille, da ein Weg! (Schwieriger war es, einen 500er zu bekommen.) ima team blog 2019-01-18 "Donations & Early Renewals" ~~~~~ (Dec 7, 2018)

22 items in total