John Oram's photos with the keyword: Street Photography

Property Hunting - 25 September 2013

26 Sep 2013 150
As you will know, I don't like people in my photographs except when they are essential to the composition as in this case. Here, on the way from a meeting to dinner, the juxtaposition of striking window display and hopeful couple just said 'photograph'. Night shots are difficult especially at my skill level and exposure can be tricky so it is what it is. X20_DSCF2273

Three Times Table (Mono) - 7 August 2013

10 Aug 2013 1 213
The 'net' on the table featured in my earlier photograph made a frame for some passers-by at Harbourside, Bristol. X20_DSCF1853CM

Three Times Table - 7 August 2013

10 Aug 2013 226
The 'net' on the table featured in my previous photograph made a frame for some passers-by at Harbourside, Bristol. X20_DSCF1853C

Health & Fitness

06 Jul 2013 114
In street photography it is often about seeing the whole picture. Silver Street, Bedford. P1180611C - 5 July 2013

22 items in total