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Updated on: 14 Aug 2024.

Lincolnshire, album created on 29 Oct 2021

7 items in total.

Stockheath School, album created on 03 May 2020

39 items in total.

Didcot Railway Centre, album created on 14 Mar 2020

13 items in total.

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Locate - 5 years ago

For all the dedication and effort of a small band, it seems that the pressure on ipernity which dares to be (wonderfully) different, is never ending. The (possibly temporary) suspension of the map is a real setback. Specifics notwithstanding, an increase in the price of anything from <$100 pcm to $700 pcm is hard to explain.

  • Jusqu'à la fin ou l'avenir

    - 10 Dec 2016
    After due consideration tinged with more than a little sadness, I have decided to stick with ipernity until the end - or its new future. The small community on here has radiated a warmth which belies its size. It has always been difficult to inspire and maintain groups but perhaps this dark threat might presage a new dawn and rebirth for those who have worked so hard in France and for us all.

  • Bonjour Tristesse

    - 04 Dec 2016
    Having arrived at ipernity as a potential refugee, I am greatly disturbed at the prospect of having to embark on another journey. I am sad for the employees of ipernity, for the small band of loyal contacts and for myself. We need sites where photographs can be shared with acccompanying text and tags etc. rather than just dropped on to the internet as some sort of decoration without explanation. It is baffling that such sites are few and far between. There is a little hope as many of the r…

About John Oram

Place of residence: United Kingdom

Member of the club since 2013 169 626 visits

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SV1XV Tractacus dolores666 Paolo Tanino


dolores666 club
Happy belated birthday and thanks for the presence, on Flickr, at Kabubi's memorial. :-)
5 years ago.
dolores666 club
A love of trains and animals. We DO have this in common, then! Thanks for the visit.
9 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?