Group: Olympus OM-D

Langstone Harbour.......the Wade Way

The Last Gazenia

Catkins in the Winter Sunshine

Screwdriver Heads and Hex Keys

Harbinger of Death

The Anchor Bleu

Still Life with Garlic cloves.

Sweet Factory

Signpost Wisdom

Welcome to the World

Trails in the Sky (+PiP)

South Parade Pier, Southsea, Hampshire

Vibernum Flowerhead

Objet Trouvé

The Royal Oak Pub (+PiP)

Langstone Mill Pond

A Window into the Woods. (+PiPs)

A Riot of Colour

Thought the Gap

The Old Mill, Langstone Harbour

It's always good to keep your bottom clean ;-)


Bare Trees and Fallen Leaves

Common Gorse