TigerHead's photos

Return to Forever

12 Dec 2014 8 1 570
Private lands reverting to native forest - South Florida - December, 2014 (Please view in Light Box or larger sizes for best effect)

Skull Candy

14 Nov 2009 6 3 422
Sean at sunset. Sports field - November, 2009 (Please view in Light Box or larger sizes for best effect)

Star Power II

25 Sep 2014 1 1 312
Aster Pilosus (also known as the "Frost Aster") One of the toughest of the Asters, Frost Aster will grow without complaint on the poorest sand, gravel and rocky soils. It is unsurpassed for re-vegetating disturbed soils that contain no topsoil or organic matter. Frost Aster puts on an enviable show in late fall, when it erupts into clouds of white flowers. Easy to grow from seed, it creeps by rhizomes to hold the soil even on the most difficult sites. Grows two to four feet tall and blooms late in the season to provide color even after many hard frosts. Late summer cluster - Nature preserve - September, 2014 (Please view in Light Box or larger sizes for best effect)

Boarding: Science and Performance

01 Aug 2010 3 313
TJ Checks His Board for Warp and Splitting - Sports park - August, 2010 (Best viewed in larger sizes)

A Moment Alone

10 Jun 2012 7 3 381
Amusement Attendant - Traveling Carnival - June, 2012 (Please view in Light Box or larger sizes for best effect)

"The Joy of Sex"

27 Sep 2014 6 4 454
Red-Legged Grasshoppers indulge in a late-summer affair. The redlegged grasshopper, Melanoplus femurrubrum (DeGeer), ranges over most of North America except for high mountain altitudes and the frigid north. It is the most widely distributed species of the major crop grasshoppers. Its favorite habitats include tall vegetation of grasslands, meadows, crop borders, reverted fields, Conservation Reserve Program lands, and roadsides. It favors low moist weedy areas where its host plants abound. Nature preserve, September, 2014 (Please view in larger sizes)

Skate or Die

13 Sep 2009 8 1 670
Retouched ~ Lone Skater ~ public park, October, 2009

Late Summer Waltz

19 Sep 2014 11 5 541
New England Asters (Symphyotrichum Novae-Angliae) splay fantastic color harmonies across a favorite forest clearing. Public land reserve, September, 2014 (Please view in Light Box or in larger sized for best effect)

Felix Culpa - The "Happy Fall"

22 Sep 2013 9 2 703
In a fraction of time, Marcus engineers the physics of the crash impact, orchestrating the least-harmful outcome for his young, naturally reflexive, body. Skate competition, public park, September, 2014 (Please view in Light Box or in larger sized for best effect)

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

27 Sep 2014 8 2 392
Karner Blue Butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) - Love, Sweet, Love It was a rare sight to find this species mating in late September - six-weeks after their (view commonly held by scientists) peak time to reproduce. Two generations of Karner blues are produced every year. The first hatch occurs from mid-May through early June. These butterflies lay eggs which hatch and become adults for a second hatch from mid-July through early August. The adult Karner blue butterflies, during their short one to two-week life span, will feed on the nectar of a variety of flowers, such as blue lupine, New Jersey tea, dogbane, and butterfly weed. The Karner blue butterfly is a federally listed endangered species and is listed as a Michigan threatened species. Endangered Species are animals and plants that are in danger of becoming extinct. Nature preserve, September, 2014 (Please view in Light Box or in larger sizes for best effect)

Summer Minstrals

16 Sep 2012 3 2 490
Rock musicians conferring between sets - late season music festival, September, 2012 (Please view in larger sizes or Light View for best effect)

Fifty Shades of Presence

18 May 2014 7 2 335
Purple: Compelling. All the courage and nobility of blue combined with the searing, irresistible passion of red. Crab-apple blossoms, nature preserve - May, 2014 (Please view in light box or larger sizes for best effect)


09 Jun 2014 335
An exuberant wild grape vine reaches for the sky.- nature park, June, 2014 (Please view in light box or larger sizes for best effect)

Laying Low

05 Jun 2014 3 1 439
Magnificent camouflage hides a new hatchling from its enemies on the forest floor. Fallen tree trunk - nature preserve, June, 2014 (Please view in light box or larger sizes for best effect)

"I'll Have the Fish Plate, Please"

09 Dec 2014 24 12 519
Injured birds recovering their health and facility - Flamingo Gardens, Davie, Florida, December, 2014 (Please view in Light Room or in larger sizes for best effect)


16 Sep 2012 5 2 671
Strolling music fan - outdoor music festival - September, 2012 (Please view in Light Room or in larger sizes for best effect)

Stairway to Heaven

11 Jul 2013 4 1 355
Asclepias tuberosa (also known as Butterfly Weed) is a species of milkweed native to eastern North America. This showy plant is frequently grown from seed in home gardens. Its brilliant flowers attract butterflies. Because its tough root was chewed by the Indians as a cure for pleurisy and other pulmonary ailments, Butterfly Weed was given its other common name, Pleurisy Root. Although it is sometimes called Orange Milkweed, this species has no milky sap. Nature preserve, July, 2013 (Please view in larger sizes for best effect)

Early Flight

27 Aug 2012 6 3 420
Juan, practicing his tricks - Sports park, August 2012 (Please view in Light Room or in larger sizes for best effect)

1399 items in total