TigerHead's photos

Not For Sale (abstract)

10 Jun 2014 2 1 645
Derelict structure amid slush and mounds of soot flecked snow. Rust belt, March, 2014 (Please view in Light Box or in larger sizes for best effect.)

The Rush to Survival

10 May 2014 6 3 304
Crab apple blossoms - Private estate, May, 2014 (Please view in larger sizes for best results)

"To Dust Thou Shalt Return"

10 May 2014 3 2 269
Fallen elms. Nature preserve, May, 2014 (Please view in Light Box or larger sizes for best results)

The Theology of Flesh (retouched)

The Seeding (whimsical)

10 May 2014 2 251
Crab apple blossoms - Private estate, May, 2014 (Please view in larger sizes for best results)

Ring of Fire

10 Jun 2012 22 6 496
Dusk falls on a traveling carnival. June, 2012 (Please view in LightBox or in larger sizes for best effect)

"None the Wiser" (male)

24 Aug 2013 15 12 480
A male American Goldfinch blends miraculously with seed-producing foliage. Nature preserve, August, 2013 (see the female of the pair: www.ipernity.com/doc/tongueyourhead/27824141) Please view in larger sizes (and/or light view) for best effect. The American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis), also known as the Eastern Goldfinch, is a small North American bird in the finch family. It is migratory, ranging from mid-Alberta to North Carolina during the breeding season, and from just south of the Canadian border to Mexico during the winter. The only finch in its subfamily that undergoes a complete molt, the American Goldfinch displays sexual dimorphism in its coloration; the male is a vibrant yellow in the summer and an olive color during the winter months, while the female is a dull yellow-brown shade which brightens only slightly during the summer. The male displays brightly colored plumage during the breeding season to attract a mate. The American Goldfinch is a granivore and adapted for the consumption of seedheads, with a conical beak to remove the seeds and agile feet to grip the stems of seedheads while feeding. It is a social bird, and will gather in large flocks while feeding and migrating. It may behave territorially during nest construction, but this aggression is short-lived. Its breeding season is tied to the peak of food supply, beginning in late July, which is relatively late in the year for a finch. This species is generally monogamous, and produces one brood each year.

Lounging Lady

29 Aug 2013 21 9 567
Lucy, resting in my office chair. August, 2013 (Please view in Light Box or larger sizes for best effect.)

Skateboard Nation (Color)

03 May 2014 14 2 555
Lining up to compete on a chilly morning. Sports park, November, 2010 (Please view in Light Box for best effect.)

Cries from the Edge of Glory

14 Sep 2013 18 4 727
Young musician in voluntary thrall. Rock festival, September, 2013 (Please view in Light Box or larger sizes for best effect.)

Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam

13 Oct 2013 8 1 385
Deep woods abstract. October, 2013 ***Please view in Light Box or larger size for best effect***


13 Oct 2013 1 375
Star Thistle, despite the frosts, blooms on in mid-October. Nature preserve, October, 2013 (Please view in larger sizes for best effect.)

Skateboard Nation

07 Dec 2010 7 1 385
Lining up to compete on a chilly morning. Sports park, November, 2010 (Please view in Light Box for best effect.)

Torn and Frayed

17 Jun 2013 4 3 333
The last of a violent summer storm, illuminated by the setting sun. Leaning out of my office window, June, 2013. Please view large in Light Box view for best effect.

A World Unlike Our Own

04 Sep 2013 15 12 414
A place I often hike to observe nature and to rediscover peace of mind. Spring-fed pond. Nature preserve, September, 2013 ***Please view on largest size in Light Box for best effect***

Vigilant Eye

11 Jul 2013 27 10 599
One month older, the same Pine Squirrel scans the ground and sky. Nature preserve, July 2013. ***Please view in larger sizes or in Light Box for best effect***

"Don't Try to Steal My Food"

14 Jun 2013 10 5 398
Young Pine Squirrel with nut in mouth. Nature preserve, June, 2013 ***Please view in larger sizes for best effect***

Tree Rocker

14 Sep 2013 7 3 343
Jammin. Late-season music festival. September, 2013 ***Please view in Light Box for best effect***

1399 items in total