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Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm f/2.8 Pro

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Keith Burton

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Grabbed a shot of this beautiful Tulip, suffused with a warm glow. Taken back in March and nearly forgotten.

raingirl, aNNa schramm, Janet Brien, Diane Putnam and 18 other people have particularly liked this photo

20 comments - The latest ones
neira-Dan club
superbe !!
5 years ago.
Amelia club
Gorgeous shades of green and soft yellow. Very nice details, Keith
5 years ago.
 Luc Reiniche
Luc Reiniche club
Perfect !
5 years ago.
Gudrun club
Lovely details! I have a faible for flowers with a greenish tinge:-)
5 years ago.
Annemarie club
glowing indeed!

so so beautiful!
5 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Recommend viewing this beautiful tulip in large where the colour and detail are amazing, especially like the tip colour on the outside petals this really is a fantastic capture Keith.
5 years ago.
trester88 club
Tulpen sind für mich am schönsten, kurz bevor sie aufblühen. Die Schönheit der Blüte hast du sehr schön eingefangen, Keith!
5 years ago.
A beauty! Such lovely detail and bokeh!
5 years ago.
 Susanne Hoy
Susanne Hoy
What an enchanting shot! The tulip catches the sunlight and glows like a paper lantern.
5 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
Many thanks everyone..!! Your generous comments and yellows stars are greatly appreciated :-))
5 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
Well thank goodness you remembered this one Keith! The light is beautiful and the detail is superb. I think you captured the tulip at just the right time.
5 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Rosalyn Hilborne
Thank you Rosa................glad you like it. One of my personal faves too.
5 years ago.
 Diane Putnam
Diane Putnam club
Wow...luscious! Top-notch photo, Keith.
5 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Diane Putnam club
Thank you kindly Diane :-)
5 years ago.
 Janet Brien
Janet Brien club
Oh Keith, this is delicious! Glowing warmly with a perfection of details showing those lines of green and yellow aiming to the petal tips...incredibly delicate and beautiful. Even as we roam our pictures for the choices to process, these subtle beauties are, like you mentioned, easily skipped because the thumbnails don't catch our eye. They are a lesson to us to look at ALL of the subjects that we take pictures of...just because the thumbnail isn't interesting, we took the picture for a reason and we must look at it full size to see what attracted us to the subject in the first place. I'm so glad you took a look at this picture, what a treasure!

I too, did the same as you just last night. I am trying to get through my Upper Klamath Lake Canoe Trail pictures and in my rush, about skipped over a pair of pictures (one subject) that seemed too small and far away to have anything going on. I had passed them by several times and finally thought, "OK OK I'll look" and...well, what do you know. It was a brilliant red-winged blackbird, hanging onto a cattail in a marsh full of cattails, looking at me...there was a whole line of cattails at the same dof, spread out and what I'd seen in that split second was a favorite type of picture...a very wide panorama with one obvious subject and then many that are sharp to accompany but not overtake the attention of the focal point. It's a lovely picture and one I'd love to have on my wall. 5" x 12.5"...maybe I could find a frame and put it in our trailer? (thinking out loud here)...

The point is that I very nearly missed this awesome shot, just as you did with this one. Let us not forget to LOOK at those seemingly unimportant pictures because they could be a marvelous image that pulls at our own heartstrings. :)
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Janet Brien club
Thanks very much Janet...............I always appreciated your comments.

I have periodic trawls through my hard drive looking for photo's to edit.............but I'm pretty sure I don't take as many shots as you do. I'm also learning to be pretty ruthless deleting the rubbish shots (of which there are usually many)!
5 years ago.
 Ed Synchro
Ed Synchro club
Fabulous photo, great depth of field.
5 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to Ed Synchro club
Thank you Ed.............you're very kind!
5 years ago.
raingirl club
so glad you didn't forget this one! it is so very lovely. the glowing light is perfect.
5 years ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to raingirl club
Thank you Laura..............you're very kind :-)
5 years ago.

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