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64 visits

Twice as secure! HBM

Twice as secure! HBM
Only the main portal of St Hilaire's church has these fences (you can see them clearly in the PiP). However, I have never seen them closed.

DEUX FOIS PLUS SÛR ! Il n'y a qu'au portail principal de l'église St Hilaire que l'on trouve ces grilles (on les voit bien dans le PiP). Je ne les ai cependant jamais vues fermées.

DOPPELT GESICHERT ! Nur am Hauptportal der Kirche St Hilaire gibt es diese Gitter (sieht man gut im PiP). Ich habe sie allerdings noch nie geschlossen gesehen.

St Hilaire19
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Diana Australis, Leo W, Holger Hagen, Chris Bowness and 19 other people have particularly liked this photo

52 comments - The latest ones
 Roger Bennion
Roger Bennion club
A colourful scene well photographed.
HFF and have a lovely weekend, Christa.
5 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Roger Bennion club
I'm always glad about your first comment, Roger. Thank you and enjoy your weekend.
4 days ago.
 Gillian Everett
Gillian Everett club
Love that door
5 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Gillian Everett club
Thanks Gillian, me too. It's the biggest door in the middle.
4 days ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Magnifique... Bien vu et bien rendu.
HFF et agréable fin de semaine paisible.
5 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Malik Raoulda club
Merci Malik, on voit de loin les portes rouges de l'église... Bon weekend.
4 days ago.
tiabunna club
A great composition with that door near the fence, Christa. HFF and have a great weekend.
5 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to tiabunna club
Thanks, George. I'm not sure about the purpose of this fence, but it looks nice. Have a nice weekend.
4 days ago.
 Franck Chabal
Franck Chabal club
HFF Christa
5 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Franck Chabal club
Merci Franck, et un bon weekend.
4 days ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Well spotted and captured Christa.
5 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Thanks Jaap, the church is quite new (19th century) but its architecture is impressive. Have a nice weekend.
4 days ago.
 Stephan Fey
Stephan Fey club
HFF, Christa!
5 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Stephan Fey club
Danke Stephan, und dir ein schönes Wochenende.
4 days ago.
 Edna Edenkoben
Edna Edenkoben club
Nicht nur sicher, sondern auch schön (klingt jetzt irgendwie nach Werbespruch) ;-)
HFF und ein frohes Wochenende, Christa!
5 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Edna Edenkoben club
Danke Edna, du hast völlig recht, könnte der Slogan für z.B. einen gläsernen Aufzug sein ;-))) Dir also ein sichtfreies Wochenende ❀❀
4 days ago.
Makrofan club
HFF und ein schönes Wochenende, Christa!
5 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Makrofan club
Danke Makrofan, das wünsche ich dir ebenfalls.
4 days ago.
 David Slater (Spoddendale)
David Slater (Spodde… club
HFF Christa and happy weekend.
5 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to David Slater (Spodde… club
Thanks David, same to you, enjoy the days.
4 days ago.
 Ria V.
Ria V. club
Ein passenses Fundstück zum Thema, Christa! Dir ein schönes Wochenende und HFF!
4 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Ria V. club
Danke Ria, das dachte ich auch. Obwohl ich nicht sicher war, wofür dieses Gitter verwendet werden sollte ... Ein schönes Wochenende.
4 days ago.
Xata club
Love the red door there, HFF Christa.
4 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Xata club
Thanks Isabel, all three are real eye-catchers (you can see them well on the PiP). Have a nice weekend.
4 days ago.
 Percy Schramm
Percy Schramm club
Fanatstische Architektur - und ein wunderbares Detail.
4 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Percy Schramm club
Danke Percy, das finde ich auch, obwohl die Kirche wurde es im 19. Jh. erbaut wurde.
4 days ago.
Annemarie club
4 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Annemarie club
Thanks Annemarie, wishing you a nice weekend.
4 days ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
You can't beat a spot of red to tingle our eyes Christa. Well done.

HFF, enjoy the weekend. Herb
4 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Herb Riddle club
Thanks Herb, I fully agree: sometimes it's a red door, sometimes a red coat;-))) Have a nice weekend.
4 days ago.
gezginruh club
Two wonderful pictures,Christa!
HFF and have a great weekend!

Best wishes
4 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to gezginruh club
Thanks Füsun, the front facade of this church is really impressive. Enjoy the weekend.
4 days ago.
Adele club
Eye catching red door!
HFF Christa
4 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Adele club
Thanks Adele, I agree, you see it from far. Have a nice weekend.
4 days ago.
 Boarischa Krautmo
Boarischa Krautmo club
HFF, ein schönes Wochenende - und wenn du meinst, auch schon mal HBM ;-)
4 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo club
Danke Markus, hast schon recht, alles kommt immer so wahnsinnig schnell wieder...
4 days ago.
trester88 club
Ein Eyecatcher!
HFF und ein schönes Wochenende, Christa!
4 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to trester88 club
Danke Wilhelm, du hast recht. Solche Hingucker fotografiere ich gern mal. Ein schönes Wochenende.
4 days ago.
niraK68 club
4 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to niraK68 club
Danke Karin, dir ein schönes Wochenende.
4 days ago.
Peter_Private_Box club
Hi Christa
A wonderful and interesting picture, which I like very much!
Very nice composition, and a very different approach to church architecture!
Best Wishes, HFF, a nice weekend, and stay safe!!
4 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Peter_Private_Box club
Thanks Peter, this church was built in the 19th century, so it is quite "new" compared to many others. WIshing you a nice weekend.
4 days ago.
Mikus club
Schöne Handwerkskunst und Mut zur Farbe. HFF und angenehmes Wochenende, Christa.
4 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Mikus club
Danke Mikus, du hast recht, solche knallig-roten Türen sieht man auch nicht oft bei Kirchen... Ein schönes Wochenende ebenfalls.
4 days ago.
 Dimas Sequeira
Dimas Sequeira club
Le portail est tellement beau que les grilles n'osent pas le cacher, même partiellement! HFF tardif, Christa!
4 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Dimas Sequeira club
Merci Dimas. Tu dois avoir raison, je n'y ai pas pensé ,-))) Bon weekend.
4 days ago.
WiePet club
Wirkliche Hingucker, diese knallroten Türen!
Verspäteten HFF und schönes Wochenende!
3 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to WiePet club
Danke Wiebke, ja, eher selten, solche Türen bei einer Kirche.
3 days ago.
 Leo W
Leo W club
tolle grafische Gestaltung, sehr gelungen.
3 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Leo W club
Danke Leo, freut mich sehr, dass es dir gefällt.
3 days ago.
 Diana Australis
Diana Australis club
A very secure place with that beautiful strong red door and the metal fence!
Lovely photos Christa. I hope your weekend is are having a lovely Sunday
3 days ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Diana Australis club
Thanks Diana, indeed, you can see these red doors from far away. Have a good start to the new week.
3 days ago.

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