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Cabines de bain, à la queue leu leu...

Cabines de bain, à la queue leu leu...
J'ai fait plusieurs photos avant de réussir d'en avoir une avec cette mouette volante....

I made several pictures before I managed to get one with this flying seagull....
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TRIPOD MAN, Istvan Farkas, Marie-france Berthelé, LotharW and 5 other people have particularly liked this photo

8 comments - The latest ones
Ecobird club
Beautiful beach scenes Christa and the light is amazing. Nice to have the seagull in shot.
5 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Ecobird club
Thanks Carol. Yes, I was glad to have it, but it wasn't easy to have at least one seagull on my photo;-))
5 years ago.
Pleasant coastal scenery, fine the upshot.
CIAO, Gastone.
5 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to GAST1
Thanks Gastone, it was in the evening during (PiP) and just after (main photo) high tide.
5 years ago.
 Marie-france Berthelé
Marie-france Berthel…
Haha ! la mouette de service payée par l'office du tourisme !
5 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Marie-france Berthel…
Merci M-F. Alors, dans ce cas, elle a dû faire du rab car il était presque 20 h ;-))
5 years ago.
Marie-france Berthel… has replied to Christa1004 club
oui ,des heures sup ! MDR
5 years ago.
Christa1004 club has replied to Marie-france Berthel…
M-F, et du coup, elle commencera plus tard le lendemain ;-)))
5 years ago.

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