Un mattino sulla spiaggia. Buona Domenica a tutti…
just light in the morning
Una rosa bianca per Franco Battiato
Atelier Bohémien
Blowing in the Wind.
Notturno Veronese
Arrivederci: Padova ponte San Leonardo
Just a Little Dream
Fermo Pesca
ALL That Jazz.
Rising Red Moon
Finestra Marchigiana
HFF to you ALL!!!! :-)
Fuori Orario.
Tregua autunnale
Appena prima della sera
Conversazione Romana
L'Angelo del Dolore
HFF to you ALL !!!
Bassa Marea. Alba sull' Adriatico
Alta Marea.
In attesa al molo....
HFF to You All! Arsenale di Venezia
Fiore di Cactus allo Specchio.
HFF to you All !!!
Queuing Up Chairs.
A rose in a Wrapped Window
HFF to YOU ALL !!!!! Fences in the Mosaics in a Pu…
Fence of reflections. HFF to You All!
Blowing in a Narcissus Lamp
Calle di notte sul terrazzo.
HFF to All of YOU!! Al Box 47
Alla ricerca di vecchie cornici.
Domenica di Maggio
HFF to you All !:-) Con i Papaveri in città-
Pesci in città!
HFF to you All !:-) Un canneto come fence sul Lago…
Lavori in corso.
Aprile 2020- Piazzetta Pedrocchi- Padova
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...Only Lady's Creativity.. -Kreativität nur von Frauen - créativité des femmes uniquement- Sólo creatividad femenina- Creatività solo femminile
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HFF to you All ! Chessboard in red and white
Wishing you a very nice and smiling weekend .
vero, Filippo Tosi, Erhard Bernstein, Leo W and 48 other people have particularly liked this photo
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Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Joe, Son of the Rock clubVery many thanks to you.
Have a very nice weekend!
Cheers, Bea
This is what happens when you know the way.
Wish you the best of all available luck with a smile of trust.
Really touched by your so beautiful comment!
Thank you very very much.
I wish you a lovely weekend with the same smile of trust.****
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Trudy Tuinstra clubHave a lovely Sunday!
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Ulrich John clubVielen Dank and have a sunny & smiling Sunday !
HFF and a sunny weekend.
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubSo many thanks wishing you a happy Sunday !
Buon felice venerdì:)
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Annemarie clubU felice domenica per te!
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Malik Raoulda clubBon et agréable Dimanche .
HFF, enjoy the weekend. Herb
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Herb Riddle clubVery many thanks and a happy Sunday for you !
HFF and a lovely weekend.
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Roger (Grisly) clubSo many thanks wishing you a beautiful Sunday !
visto e montato in modo fantastico ********
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to aNNa schramm clubcercò disperatamente
di annerire ancor più
la diagonale..
Ma... dovette fermarsi !!/ :-)
Grazie cara Anna.
felicissima che ti sia piaciuta !
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Mario Vargas clubgenitlissimo!!
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Ernst Doro clubBuona domenica !
HFF e buon fine settimana!
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Annalia S. clubIn effetti, oltre la scacchiera bianca e rossa è stata quell'ombra diagonale a farmi scattare immediatamente.
Buona Domenica a te.
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Christa1004 clubThank you very very much Christa!!!
Have a lovely Sunday!
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Percy Schramm clubVery many thanks and my best wishes for a happy Sunday!
I like also the title, Beatrice
Many thanks and also for you the same
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to J.Garcia clubMy best greetings and have a Happy Sunday!
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew clubDear Tanja, so happy for your lovely comment, I thank you very very much !
I'm quite well and so I hope you are.
Wishing you all the best, my sincerest greetings from Italy !
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to cammino clubBeatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Marco F. Delminho clubHFF, Beatrice, und ein wunderschönes Wochenende!
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to trester88 clubvery many thanks to you !
Wishing you all the best !!!
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to John FitzGerald clubThank you very very much !
Thank you for posting
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Roger (Grisly) clubA very nice picture, which I really like
Fantastic colours!
Wonderful composition of the red and white, and even the shadows echo the planks under the boat!
Best Wishes, HFF, a nice weekend, and stay safe!!
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Peter_Private_Box clubSo much pleased in reading your so kind and very nice comment !!!
Deeply happy you liked it.
My best thanks and wishes for a lovey and safe Sunday!
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Dimas Sequeira clubGrazie di cuore e felice domenica per te!
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Nick Weall clubI thank you so much wishing you all the Best !
A belated HFF...I had computer problems yesterday.
Good job I have a clever son-in-law ;-))
Have a good and safe weekend.
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Rosalyn HilborneSo happy you enjoyed it and so much pleased for your lovely comment!
very many thanks with my best wishes for a happy Sunday.
Ma l'idea vincente è quella di mostrarci, sullo sfondo, la barca che riprende esattamente le due tonalità. Anche lì c'è un bel gioco di ombre che hanno la funzione di non appiattire la foto, pericolo che si corre quando la luce solare è parecchio forte.
C'è molta armonia, cromatica e compositiva, in questo angolo di spiaggia in cui, a dispetto della probabile calca in certe ore, tutto sembra al suo posto, perfettamente ordinato.
Ancora una prova di grande osservazione dei particolari che fa nascere, come dal nulla, ottime immagini come questa !
Un caro saluto
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to photosofghosts clubCosì invitante, voglio dire, tra scacchi rossi e bianchi e, appunto, come osservi tu, la barca che ne riprende le tonalità che sembrava messa lì a bella posta come pure le ombre!!:-)
La spiaggia , almeno il mio lido, in questi giorni è stato praticamente deserto, un po' più popolato
nel weekend. Egoisticamente per me è una pacchia, anche se ovviamente ! sono molto preoccupata per tutta l'economia che , qui e altrove,si basa sul turismo.
Comunque penso che da questo weekend in poi, ci sarà un deciso afflusso di gente.
Stiamo a vedere !!!
In tanto un GRANDE Grazie!
Un saluto speciale da Bea.
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to RHH clubSpeel maar niet teveel Chess in die hitte bij jou daar
Wens je een gezond en veilig Weekeinde!
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Fred Fouarge clubFor your so nice comment and for your so careful piece of advice.
Don't worry: I'll play chess only after the sunset :-)
Have a lovely Sunday!
Beatrice Degan(MARS) club has replied to Soeradjoen (limited…Have a good Sunday !
Un bacio
Just as in abstract art, the interest is elsewhere, and often inexpressible, even unspeakable. Many of us have difficulty in glimpsing it. Me included! But, knowing your process, I can't stop there. I cannot express what I see and feel, but I assure you that I see and feel it. Really! :-)
I adhere to Fabio's always acute aesthetic and artistic description, as well as to your justification of an improvised capture...!
Well, as is often the case, an in-depth look cannot leave indifferent to a perspective that speaks of life, of your life as well as that of those whom you always capture with acuity. May unity, if not uniformity, reassure and help us to take on the extraordinary, the unknown and even the adventure. Such is the routine, so much decried, yet so driving ... (as long as it doesn't turn into sclerosis, of course).
A composition full of teaching, aesthetically admirable too!
Have a nice summer, my friend!
Great work, Bea!
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