About Filippo Tosi

Place of residence: Italy

90 363 visits

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homaris Fred Fouarge Berny Christian C Anton Cruz Carro Amelia Petar Bojić Jaap van 't Veen Steve Bucknell Xata bml Phil Sutters J.Garcia StoneRoad2013 *ઇଓ* Keith Burton beapixa Karl Hartwig Schütz Old Owl Gertraude Diana Australis Elbertinum Wierd Folkersma Wilm E. Adam G. Hubs 56 William Sutherland aNNa schramm

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Latest comments - All (19)
 Filippo Tosi
Filippo Tosi
Thanks for the big compliment Murray.
I'm honored
2 years ago.
bml club
Ich bewundere deinen Blick für Strukturen.
3 years ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
Caro Filippo, Grazie mille per le tanti tanti stelle
ciao aNNa*
3 years ago.
Gertraude club
Deine Art Dinge zu sehen, bzw. die Motive deiner Fotos finde ich großartig :)
3 years ago.
grazie per avermi invitato
3 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?