Jim O'Neil

Jim O'Neil club

Posted: 09 Oct 2014

Taken: 09 Oct 2014

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Signs and Portents

Signs and Portents
Of course there's a story behind this amazingly detailed, exquisitely drawn, timeless work of art: I was pulling out of Fred Meyer's parking lot yesterday when I noticed a wild eyed bearded scruffy character standing beside the road holding up a sign ( No it wasn't me, remember I'm the one driving by looking, -it was another wild eyed bearded scruffy character, not me!) reading something like; "Freddies is Satin!" or maybe, "Wallmart is Satin!", or something like that. I had to chuckle for a few blocks.

OK. Back in the day when I was a boy and a bit and a beatnik reciting my poetry in coffee houses in Greenwich Village and the Lower East Side in New York City, maintaining a jaded, world weary demeanor while listening to the gratifying click of applause (You gotta understand, it wasn't cool to clap, man, we snapped our fingers instead.), but, that's another story.....

Where I was going with this was back then I really did often (OK, occasionally) see wild eyed bearded scruffy characters carrying signs or wearing sandwich boards, on NYC street corners, saying: "THE END OF THE WORLD IS NEAR... REPENT!!!"

So! The only way I could get the images generated my memories and yesterday's close encounter of an absurd kind was to draw this little cartoon and share it with you.

Hey, now that you know the back-story you gotta admit the sketch is at least a little bit funny. :-)


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