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Regard de mouche
13h:06:36 08/06/2020
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Je ne vous ai rien!
Fleurs du printemps
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Splendors of Nature / In memory of Marie-claire Gallet
Splendors of Nature / In memory of Marie-claire Gallet
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816 visits
Huge Mallard Hen & Checking In!
Hi everyone! I hope everyone is doing well, staying healthy and away from others!
I've been getting a few notes from folks checking in on me so I wanted to let everyone know that both Steve and I are doing just great! Healthy, happy and doing just fine, our supervisor, Pumpkin (our parrot) is making sure we're doing everything right each day. :) All of this virus business is just really hard to deal with so we continue to keep our heads down.
I also wanted to apologize for not coming around to visit. I feel very guilty. :( It's really hard for me because the moment I get to a person's stream I'm hit with a wall of concern and worry about each person and their family. I think maybe it's because I'm so empathic that this just totally immobilizes me and makes me hugely depressed and anxious. Please forgive my absence, I just can't handle the deep concern and worry that I feel about each and every one of you. I am sure that once the world turns the corner on this virus I will feel better but right now it's just too hard for me to be the social butterfly, even though I want to so badly. :(
I continue to hide from the world's horrendous tragedies by playing the amazing and wonderfully innocent game, "Garden Paws."(link to review) It's hopelessly adorable, beautiful and really fun, full of animals so cute you just want to pop. You can raise baby farm animals to adults and then use their eggs, feathers, milk, etc. for crafting many things. Seeds you plant in your garden grow into flowers for bouquets, fruits and veggies for cooking and baking and you can pick them in the wild too. There are trees and minerals to harvest, a town to help develop, and about 10 zillion things to keep you running and happily distracted from the worries of the real world. I used to play another game like this called "Animal Crossing" but I am happy to say that this game is much better, in my opinion. If you are looking for a way to distract yourself in a world that is beautiful and full of fun things to keep you busy, it might be something for you to try!
Today's picture was taken a year ago in the nearby town of Grant's Pass. They have a lovely riverside park which is the home to many semi-tame waterfowl and one day Steve and I stopped for a short visit. This darling Mallard hen is one of my favorites of the pictures I took and I hope that it makes you chuckle too. My, but isn't she WIDE?! Hilarious! I can't help but smile whenever I see this picture so I figured it would be perfect for my post! :)
Pam, it's always so nice to hear from you and I'm glad to know that you guys are keeping healthy and have everything you need to keep away from the world for the most part. I know you're right--this will all blow over--but it's staggering to see this thing blowing up bigger and bigger...
You are in my thoughts and I hope my virtual hugs make it to you! :)
Explored on 4/5/20; highest placement #1.
I've been getting a few notes from folks checking in on me so I wanted to let everyone know that both Steve and I are doing just great! Healthy, happy and doing just fine, our supervisor, Pumpkin (our parrot) is making sure we're doing everything right each day. :) All of this virus business is just really hard to deal with so we continue to keep our heads down.
I also wanted to apologize for not coming around to visit. I feel very guilty. :( It's really hard for me because the moment I get to a person's stream I'm hit with a wall of concern and worry about each person and their family. I think maybe it's because I'm so empathic that this just totally immobilizes me and makes me hugely depressed and anxious. Please forgive my absence, I just can't handle the deep concern and worry that I feel about each and every one of you. I am sure that once the world turns the corner on this virus I will feel better but right now it's just too hard for me to be the social butterfly, even though I want to so badly. :(
I continue to hide from the world's horrendous tragedies by playing the amazing and wonderfully innocent game, "Garden Paws."(link to review) It's hopelessly adorable, beautiful and really fun, full of animals so cute you just want to pop. You can raise baby farm animals to adults and then use their eggs, feathers, milk, etc. for crafting many things. Seeds you plant in your garden grow into flowers for bouquets, fruits and veggies for cooking and baking and you can pick them in the wild too. There are trees and minerals to harvest, a town to help develop, and about 10 zillion things to keep you running and happily distracted from the worries of the real world. I used to play another game like this called "Animal Crossing" but I am happy to say that this game is much better, in my opinion. If you are looking for a way to distract yourself in a world that is beautiful and full of fun things to keep you busy, it might be something for you to try!
Today's picture was taken a year ago in the nearby town of Grant's Pass. They have a lovely riverside park which is the home to many semi-tame waterfowl and one day Steve and I stopped for a short visit. This darling Mallard hen is one of my favorites of the pictures I took and I hope that it makes you chuckle too. My, but isn't she WIDE?! Hilarious! I can't help but smile whenever I see this picture so I figured it would be perfect for my post! :)
Pam, it's always so nice to hear from you and I'm glad to know that you guys are keeping healthy and have everything you need to keep away from the world for the most part. I know you're right--this will all blow over--but it's staggering to see this thing blowing up bigger and bigger...
You are in my thoughts and I hope my virtual hugs make it to you! :)
Explored on 4/5/20; highest placement #1.
ROL/Photo, Andreas Müller, Marco F. Delminho, Jenny McIntyre and 70 other people have particularly liked this photo
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Portez-vous bien
Bon Dimanche salutaire.
Don't worry too much and stay healthy!
Nein Janet, nicht deprimiert sein! Es wird sich Alles wieder normalisieren. Ich denke wir werden alle irgendwann mit dem Virus konfrontiert werden und dann ist es höchstens, wie eine normale Grippe. Vielleicht haben wir schon längst einige eingeatmet und dagegen bereits Abwehrstoffe entwickelt? Also Kopf hoch und Freude an schönen Dingen bewahren!
Liebe Grüße aus Old Germany!
Lieben Gruß,
And don't feel guilty, it's ok (at least with me;-))
(3 weeks into a 52 week self-quarantine ... gotta have an endpoint)
A winner this mallard
Admired in:
Merci pour vos nouvelle rassurantes, Janet, ! Je vous souhaite de passer une bonne semaine !
(btw is this your first Picture without insets ?)
Take care and stay well!
happy new week !
Have a good week ahead and take care.
Stay healthy and stay safe, my "pod sister"!
My wife Jackie and I are both fine, and so are our wider family. We're staying indoors or in the garden apart from the occasional trip to the shops to collect essentials and medicine. We miss seeing them all, but we phone daily, Skype weekly and also use Whatsapp to keep in touch.
I'm still taking lots of the garden mainly, but I'm also playing round with some table-top's a challenge, but kinda fun too.
Glad to hear you and Steve are keeping as your feathery Supervisor says and stay safe!
Oh, nearly awesome duck shot! Female mallards are my favourite duck, they are so beautiful. You've captured this one in wonderful detail.
Great capture, well done.
Have a good new week, and stay well.
Diese Pandemie hat uns alle im Griff, aber wir müssen das Virus besiegen und das Beste aus der Situation machen. Meiner Frau und mir geht es gut. Ich arbeite viel im Garten und verlasse nur selten das Haus. Es ist ertragbar.
Ich hoffe, es geht dir und Steve auch gut. Lade ab und zu ein Bild hoch, damit wir wissen, dass es dir gut geht. Schütze dich gut und bleib gesund, Janet!
You take as long as you need to keep you safe and sound. Enjoy your games - I found a whole new stash of games, that had been put in a large plastic tub and placed behind a couch in my bedroom!!!!! So today, I've been going through them and I am going to have some fun. A lot of them were Mandi's, and she didn't take them with her, so all the more for me to explore!!!! Please continue to stay safe with Steve - we hear that rain and snow has visited California and Oregon - I do hope that it isn't true - it's gorgeously sunny and warm here
Bonne fêtes de Pâques et bonne santé
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