Group: " - A - Very Ipernity Photos - "

Danao café chez l'habitant (temporairement fermé)…

Somphon thai massage (1)

Tamia ou écureuil de Corée

Home Town Walls,

set for three

Complementary triangles

Waiting for the tide.

One night in December

on the road

wild cups

Mobile life and Samsung Galax

Island Link!

decorated fence

il brugo fiorisce in autunno

joined together

Monte Gordo, Dawn and rope

HWW - Schlossmauer

Deux chiens sympathiques / Two friendly dogs

A memory for George!

Dame flottant dans son rêve éveillé..... / Signora…

Lighthouse View.


Singes sur fils électriques / Walking monkeys on w…

Elitzabeth and Gertude,