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Look at My Second Batch of Tumbled Rocks!! (+19 insets and 10 notes!)

Look at My Second Batch of Tumbled Rocks!! (+19 insets and 10 notes!)
(+19 insets and 10 notes!)

THANK YOU!!! (Note about your visits):
I can't tell you how happy I am that you guys are all really enjoying my "museum presentations"! It took me a long time to put these interactive collages together but I hoped at least a few people would like the show. Instead of just a few, so many of you have spent the extra time to look at each of my presentations...I'm delighted and very thankful that you gave me your time to look. I'm over the moon...*BIG HUGS TO ALL OF YOU*!!!! :)

At long last, I'm finally able to share a proper presentation of my second group of tumbled rocks!

You may or may not know that a few months ago I bought a rock tumbler with the initial thought to use it for cleaning coins I find with my metal detector. As it turns out, I haven't found all that many coins because just after I got the tumbler the weather got cold and wet and I didn't go out with my metal detector. However, I couldn't stop thinking about using the rock tumbler AS a rock tumbler…go figure. :D I walk up and down our graveled driveway every morning for exercise and it's littered with countless pretty rocks. Who can resist picking them up? Not I! Soon I had enough rocks to fill a barrel (in a couple of laps of walking up and down the driveway, actually…heh) and thus began my rock tumbling initiation!

Week after week, I advanced my rocks through all four step until the day I had a pile of gleaming beauties piled before me. This first batch came out very nice and Steve and I were totally delighted at how pretty the shiny rocks were. I was hooked!

Since it takes 30-40 days per complete tumbling cycle, one must learn the skill of PATIENCE. I've never been much good with that but there's no way around the slow process of recreating a millennia of natural rock tumbling. You just have to sort of forget about them and time passes.

Finally, a couple of weeks ago, the second batch completed its 4-step cycle…holy cow, what a bunch of BEAUTIES!!! We were totally dazzled by this set--they turned out even nicer than the first batch because I did a better job. I was more careful about checking the quality of a rock and not allowing rough ones to go to the next step if they weren't ready.

Fun with Rock Photography!
I decided that I needed a better way to share pictures than what I'd been doing. I was terribly bored with my usual solution of "main subject with spill of subjects in bokeh behind…*stifles a yawn*…" Those pictures are fine but I do the very same thing whenever I have a subject like that and I wanted to do something better for this group.

The solution of creating a 9-picture collage of 3x3 means that visitors will get a nice look without doing anything. But for anyone who wants more, that's where the fun is…these pictures are INSET-CENTRAL! Every collage image has its own rollover with a larger version to look at. To make it even better, I took additional pictures whenever a rock looked nice on another side. So many rocks have two views! Additionally, I've made comments about each rock.

There are FOUR total collage presentations to visit if visitors are interested. I narrowed down my favorites of my second batch to four groups of nine rocks. You will see the three clickable insets under the first rock's rollovers. Each will take you to its own presentation complete with rollovers and notes. Even though most people won't be that interested, I do know there are a bunch of you who really love rocks and may enjoy these extra presentations! Mostly though, I wanted to do this because these rocks are so very cool and deserve the attention! :)

I would like to say thank you to my husband for building me a little light studio for my rock pictures. Steve's a retired professional product photographer and his specialty was taking pictures of zillions of gems and beads at a place called Fire Mountain Gems & Beads (if you make jewelry you'll know all about this huge company! :D). He set up the tripod, lights, reflectors, mirrors and all that jazz, including the speckly grey cardstock the rocks are sitting on! :) This way I can easily take consistent pictures of my beautiful little stones…hip-hip-hooray! (Granted, I haven't bothered with perfecting the lighting on every stone…lol…I just don't care! You may also notice that a couple of rocks didn't have focus set on the right spot so there's a bit of softness…again…I don't care! Most people don't have the sophisticated eye to see when an angle could have been better and yeah, I'm one of them! It does make me different than Steve…he has to make his lighting and angles pitch-perfect…I just want to take the picture! LOL! Thanks to Steve, I have a studio that is nearly bomb-proof so I can get quality pictures very fast and easy!!

Pam, I got your letter/ipernity article about your latest appointments about your medical situation. I am sad that things aren't more encouraging. I wish there was something I could do to fix everything but at least I can send you my positive energy, my virtual hugs and my warmest understanding and support. I wish this all wasn't so totally sucky… :( You are in my thoughts, dear Pammy…

Explored on 3/6/20; highest placement #18.

Ghislaine Girardot, , Erhard Bernstein, Holger Hagen and 38 other people have particularly liked this photo

33 comments - The latest ones
Amelia club
A superb series of photos. I love the polished rocks, and the insets giving more information are perfect. Well done, Janet.
4 years ago.
 Jenny McIntyre
Jenny McIntyre club
I just adore No.2. This would make a wonderful pendant. How wonderful that Steve has built you a small studio for you to do these amazing stones. I think this stone tumbling has hooked you. It would certainly hook me. Maybe I'll have to see about getting a second-hand one. I've got lots of patience, but if it's loud while it tumbles, then maybe not a good idea for me. There are quite a few of these stones that I would just love to have as a pendant. They look absolutely divine. You clever thing.
4 years ago.
 José Manuel Polo
José Manuel Polo club
Una magnífica exposición de piedras bonitas trabajadas por el agua.
4 years ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Phenomenal collection and PIPs!
4 years ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club


4 years ago.
neira-Dan club
quelle belle récolte , une collection intéressante , et je vois que tu as fait toute une série !! C'est super
4 years ago.
 Dominique 60
Dominique 60 club
un travail remarquable et d' une grande beauté !!
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Jocelyne Villoing
Jocelyne Villoing club
La nature offre de beaux trésors, il suffit d'un peu de patience et de temps... merci pour ce joli partage Janet.
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Beautiful collage Janet.
Have a nice weekend.
4 years ago.
 Marie-claire Gallet
Marie-claire Gallet
Marvelous collection !!! They are all so beautiful *********************************
4 years ago.
Annemarie club
so lovely this collection

Happy friday and weekend
4 years ago.
Ruesterstaude club
O Janet! Was für Mühe hast du dir da gemacht und es hat sich gelohnt! 36 Steine, schön poliert, dann fotografiert und bestens beschrieben. Ich weiß das zu schätzen, ich habe auch immer wieder--> Steine vom Ortseestrand im Rucksack nachhause geschleppt, Ich hab sie nur nicht poliert, sie liegen im Garten und glänzen, wenn es regnet.
4 years ago.
tiabunna club
A marvellous series and you're certainly accumulating a great rock collection, Janet. Having Steve's lighting studio must make the image taking so much easier, with more consistent and comparable results too. Have a great (rock hunting?) weekend, Janet.
4 years ago.
*ઇଓ* club
Amazing results, Janet!
The beauty of such hobbies is the opportunity for free personal development
and advancement if one knows how to use it.
4 years ago.
 Nicole Merdrignac
Nicole Merdrignac club
Superbes photos avec notes et collection. Nicole. HFF.
4 years ago.
 Rainer Blankermann
Rainer Blankermann
Sehr schöne Aufnahmen. Jedes dieser 36 Kleinode ist wundervoll.
Ich danke dir auch für die Beschreibungen!
Ein schönes Wochenende für dich, Janet.
4 years ago.
Valfal club
Wow, I didn’t know it took so long to tumble rocks!! It the results are worth it! Thanks for sharing the fruits of your labor, Janet :-))
4 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
I am truly amazed at the amount of work you have done to prepare, photograph (several times) and make annotations on each piece of polished rock!

You have presented them beautifully - thanks to the studio setup that Steve sorted out for you - and they're really impressive. As you noted, it's a real departure from your normal "arty" method of photographing this sort of thing, but it works very well and it won't stop you from doing some "arty" stuff with them later if you feel the need.

I couldn't possibly pick a fave................they're all just fantabulous..!! Two requests:

1. Can we have a photo of the studio set up? I'd be real interested in that.
2. can you give me a bit of notice next time you publish something this comprehensive so I can set aside an hour or so to look at them?

Outstanding photography!
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
╰☆☆June☆☆╮ club
They are really beautiful Janet, I love them all.
Good work.
◦•●◉✿ Have a great weekend✿◉●•◦
4 years ago.
cammino club
A wonderful stone collection. Each photo is a unique work of art!
4 years ago.
 Christiane ♥.•*¨`*•✿
Christiane ♥.•*¨`*•✿
A SO beautiful collection !
LOVE the small stones too.
I pick up a lot of them everywhere... and for a long time !
Have a lovely week end, Janet.
4 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Amazingly beautiful collection and images, I keep picking beauties from the beach and if I had enough patience they would be polished but other interests get in the way,
Really enjoyed this series Janet.
4 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club
Hi Janet

A very nice collection of pictures, which I really like

Fantastic colours in the rocks..

Of course you are doing the same as nature does when they roll all the way from the mountains down to the sea shore, and get battered by the waves for centuries!

Best Wishes, and a nice weekend
4 years ago.
 J. Gafarot
J. Gafarot club
Vast !
4 years ago.
 Trudy Tuinstra
Trudy Tuinstra club
4 years ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
De Stenen met verschillende Aders vond ik het mooist
4 years ago.
 Mario Vargas
Mario Vargas club
shapes and colours. wow
4 years ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
A fine set of pictures !
4 years ago.
 Misou 49
Misou 49 club
Superbe collection !
4 years ago.
uwschu club
Ach wie schön, einige deiner neuen Fotos sehe ich erst heute. Etwas verrückt im Moment durch den Corona Virus.
Wünsche Dir einen schönen Abend
4 years ago.
trester88 club
4 years ago.
 Eunice Perkins
Eunice Perkins club
Number 2 is really lovely! I wish I had found it. Somebody stole most of my collection.
4 years ago.

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