Nick Weall

Nick Weall club

Posted: 04 Oct 2018

Taken: 13 Sep 2018

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1/400 f/8.0 4.7 mm ISO 100

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Coup de coeur !!! Coup de coeur !!!

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264 visits

Birds of a feather ~ stick together :) HFF from St Ives, Cornwall

Birds of a feather ~ stick together :) HFF from St Ives, Cornwall

Klaus F., Berny, Petar Bojić, Elena M and 8 other people have particularly liked this photo

22 comments - The latest ones
 Marek Ewjan Stachowski
Marek Ewjan Stachows…
cool! :)
very attractive shot
sincere greetings → Marek-Ewjan
6 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Marek Ewjan Stachows…
Hi Marek ~ Yes the seagulls at St Ives are as bold as brass and don't miss a trick, swooping down from above to steal ice creams out of the hands holding them, and going crazy for fish & chips too ~ There are signs all along the front asking people not to feed the gulls, but the gulls can't read! All the best ~ Nick
6 years ago.
Hello Nick well this one looks a friendly young chap .. great angle caught here

Wishing you an HFF and hope you have a good up and coming weekend

Best wishes .. Steve
6 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Ste
Hi Steve ~ Friendly if it suites him ~ aggressive it food within reach :)

Thanks for your good wishes ~ May you enjoy a good weekend too ~ All the best ~ Nick
6 years ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
I speak as one who lost his chips to a seagull or three, many moons ago, at this spot and before their menace was generally recognised, so I have had a wary respect ever since!
6 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Andy Rodker club
Better than losing your chips in a Casino Andy :~)
6 years ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Nick Weall club
Ha ha, Nick! Fortunately gambling is one of the few vices I don't have!!
6 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Andy Rodker club
Me too ~~~
6 years ago.
Amelia club
This young gull has not learned to look out for the folks sitting eating chips or ice-cream. he looks a tad unsure of himself, but he'll soon learn - unfortunately.
HFF and a good weekend Nick.
6 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Amelia club
Yes Gulls are quick learners dear LGM ~ Hanwe xxx
6 years ago.
 Daniela Brocca
Daniela Brocca club
A nice shot, but seagulls... they are very bad. I saw one in Venice eating his friend. It was surely already dead, but anyway...
6 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Daniela Brocca club
6 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club
Hi Nick

I like this very much, and I did find the fence under the row of street lamps on the left.

Certainly the seagulls look cute, but they are worse than other diverse minorities (which I won't mention in the interests of political correctness) for stealing things!

For example..

Best Wishes, HFF, and a good weekend

6 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Peter_Private_Box club
Hiya Peter ~~~ Yes the fence is in plain view but rather disguised at the same time ~ Gulls rely upon their ingenuity much like us ~ who wins is open for debate ~ Thanks for your good wishes ~ Hanwe
6 years ago.
gezginruh club
Hi dear Nick,

A very beautiful picture! I see this disguised fence.
I like the composition very much!
Maybe the young gull is learning life...

But I always remember "Jonathan Livingston Seagull ", when I saw a seagull!
Ah yes for most seagulls, life consists simply of eating and surviving... But Jonathan’s story shows us that, if we follow our dreams, we too can soar!!
HFF and have a great weekend!!

Best wishes
6 years ago.
 Nick Weall
Nick Weall club
Hi dear Füsun ~ I appreciate your story ~ and yes reach for the stars ~ thanks for your good wishes ~ Hanwe ~ Warm wishes ~ Nick
6 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
The gull looks deep in thought Nick!
Sorry for the belated HFF but I wish you a very good weekend.....Rosa
6 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Rosalyn Hilborne
I never put any sort of timescale on these HFF's Rosa, ~ yes that gull stayed there for ages ~ he obviously was thinking about something ~ probably chips :~) Thanks for your good wishes ~ Hanwe from wet CSP
6 years ago.
Annemarie club
Have a great day:)
6 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Annemarie club
Thank you so much :~)
6 years ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
Ah its one of those concrete fences again! Missed this on Friday my friend. A thoughtful catch here. Belated HFF or an advanced one for tomorrow :) Herb

oops just seen the ever-resent promenade iron fence! And - this concrete one is laden with wood to sit on. Ah well we can't always be right :)
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Herb Riddle club
Yes you have it now :)))
6 years ago.

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