Signpost & red shed

Landscape & Nature Vol. 3

Folder: Landscape and Nature

Mystery conifer

15 Nov 2017 5 6 198
There were two gardeners trimming shrubbery at Azalea Park. I asked what kind of tree this is. They looked up at it, puzzled, and said they didn't know. I asked if they thought it was a pine, trying to at least narrow it down a little. They said they didn't know. Huh. What kind of gardeners are those and why are they in charge of the pruning? I've just noticed some weird pixelation in this, close to lawn-level. The original is about 2700 x 2000.

Big pine, fir, spruce...?

15 Nov 2017 4 6 227
This tree seems to have lost its crown when very young, hence the multiple big branches from the trunk. Or, it's supposed to grow that way and I've just never seen a conifer like it. My purse is there for scale.

Azaleas everywhere

15 Nov 2017 6 6 202
I remember this park from childhood. It is beautiful when in bloom, mildly pretty when it's not. There has been an Annual Azalea Festival every spring since the 1940s.

Bark graffiti

15 Nov 2017 2 2 208
If I ever find it, I'll scan the photo of my 6-year-old self as a Junior Azalea Princess in the court of the Azalea Queen, 1953. My 15 minutes of fame came early.

Azalea Park, Brookings, Oregon

15 Nov 2017 9 13 338
The spring azalea and rhododendron display is spectacular, as you'd expect. During winter holidays the park is full of lights and there are concerts in the band shell.

Window memory

Split rail fence

02 Dec 2017 16 21 623
See PiP for landmark plaque.

Broken willow fence

Blue apartments

Crescent Beach, California

Artistically broken

Windblown cypress

12 Oct 2017 9 11 396
Common name: Monterey cypress Latin name: Cupressus macrocarpa "The two native cypress forest stands are protected, within Point Lobos State Reserve [Monterey/Carmel area] and Del Monte Forest [includes Crescent City]."

These are for you

Blue green yellow green

229 items in total