Signpost & red shed

Landscape & Nature Vol. 3

Folder: Landscape and Nature

In the forest

Tree winning

27 Jun 2017 3 7 291
For raingirl's plants vs. structures group. Plants always win!

Pale pink

27 Jun 2017 8 8 300
Colorized by yours truly, but in late summer the white petals do get a thin pink edge. AA328 Season where I am.

Shady rose

27 Jun 2017 3 163
"Oups!" Group, because it's weirdly framed!

Rose cascade

27 Jun 2017 16 20 238
They've gone crazy this year. This was a very sad little rose bush when I moved in five years ago, with about 3 blooms for two years. I had never taken care of roses before. It improved with plenty of water, fertilizer and pruning. But, last fall I cut off a big maple branch that was shading it much of the day, et voilà !

Pink astilbe

03 Jul 2017 2 2 268
Especially for Betty's pink flower group!

A tiny garden

05 Jul 2017 5 10 315
The white stuff in the back is my neighbor's mass of camomile, which is okay to look at, but awfully invasive. I pull up a lot of it each year on my side. I live in a neighborhood of four-plexes. Each tenant has to care for the dirt strips in front of their own unit. Some have just dirt, some have weeds, some have faux flowers stuck in the dirt, others have only shrubs, a few have well-tended gardens. It took me a couple of years to train the maintenance guys to NOT weed-whack or spray weed killer on whatever is coming up in my garden! ;-)

Variegated ground ivy

Old farm

10 Sep 2009 8 12 388
Photo from about 2009. This house was demolished and replaced by a large, faux Queen Anne. Dead trees removed, now a tidy landscape. I like this old, unruly one better.

Irrigation ditch

Tree trunk fence post...

19 Sep 2009 5 10 393
...with bonus arrow.

Pasture, hills

Make way for the tree

23 Jul 2017 11 14 236
Looks like it's time for a new cut.

229 items in total