The Day after... Valentine's
Not found a Valentine? (>‿♥)
Am Fenster - At the window
✿ An Augsburg Flower on Route 66 ✿
Blick nach oben: Augsburg-Blume ✿ Looking Up: Aug…
Am Stadtbach: Lichtgestalt - Luminous figure
Pflegefall? - Care case? (◕‿-)
Fromme Wünsche - Pious wishes
Night train
Kunst im Tunnel - Tunnel Art
Pictures in the dark
Tunnelblick - Tunnel vision
Angströhre! - Fear tube!
# 14 - Beauty in the dark!
❤-lich Willkommen im Tunnel der Träume und Fantasy…
Punker's pⒶradise (◕‿-)
Hardcore Guerilla Knitting, or - Give Peace A Chan…
Teddy Bear meets Augsburg Fl✿wer
All shook up
Anyplace is Paradise
✿ Augsburg-Blume, Sterngäßchen Steg ✿
Concrete Jungle - or, Welcome to A-Oberhausen!
Shoefiti - or, Try walking in my shoes! (◕‿-)
Glückse(e)lig - blissfully happy
Augsburg-Blume auf Feuertreppe ✿✿✿ Augsburg flowe…
One Step Beyond
☠ ✰ ✰ KANTINE ✰ ✰ ☠
Octopus's Garden
♡♡♡ F*** you! ♡♡♡
Surf ’n’ Turf (◕‿-)
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Address: unknown
You can copy the above to your favourite mapping app.
Address: unknown
See also...
Street Art, No Graffiti – Street art, pas de graffiti
Street Art, No Graffiti – Street art, pas de graffiti
"Street Art & Graffiti"-"Straßenkunst & Graffitis"-"Art de la rue et graffitis"-"Arte callejero y graffiti"-""Arte di strada e graffiti"
"Street Art & Graffiti"-"Straßenkunst & Graffitis"-"Art de la rue et graffitis"-"Arte callejero y graffiti"-""Arte di strada e graffiti"
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538 visits
Here's looking at you, kid!
![Here's looking at you, kid! Here's looking at you, kid!](
➽ Umbau der Angströhre (Vorher-Nachher PiP) beendet: Der Tunnel wirkt jetzt wesentlich offener, ist deutlich heller und weniger beklemmend, Lichtbänder leuchten den Tunnel von beiden Seiten aus. Die Kunstwerke, die bei einer Malaktion entstanden sind, sind für alle Verkehrsteilnehmer gut sichtbar. Durch den Rückbau von Trennwand und Brüstungen ist der Tunnel durchgängig einsehbar und damit auch aus Sicht der städtebaulichen Kriminalprävention ein Erfolg. Quelle:
➽ Renovation of the fear tube (Before and after PiP) is done! The tunnel has now much more open, is much lighter and less oppressive, light strips illuminate the tunnel from both sides. The works of art that have emerged from a painting action are clearly visible to all road users. Because of the removal of walls and parapets the tunnel is completely visible and thus also from the perspective of urban crime prevention a success. Source:
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➽ Renovation of the fear tube (Before and after PiP) is done! The tunnel has now much more open, is much lighter and less oppressive, light strips illuminate the tunnel from both sides. The works of art that have emerged from a painting action are clearly visible to all road users. Because of the removal of walls and parapets the tunnel is completely visible and thus also from the perspective of urban crime prevention a success. Source:
Gabi Lombardo, Karp Panta, , Wierd Folkersma and 8 other people have particularly liked this photo
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What still scares me in this tunnel is the lack of fence between the pedestrian walk and the road. But I love this kind of colorful art B-)
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubMany thanks for the star(s) and your interest in the story, Sami! :))
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to Malik Raoulda clubDen Moment hast du klasse abgewartet, war sich auch so geplant, stimmts :-)!!
VG, Uwe
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to uwschu club...und ja, hab ich abgewartet - auf "Pictures in the dark" sieht man sie auf meiner Seite kommen, als sie die Kamera gesehen hat, is sie "demonstrativ" auf die andere Seite gewechselt, kam mir grade recht! ;-DD
Dank dir für den Stern, Uwe und LG,
uwschu club has replied to Dida From Augsburg clubSchönen Abend, Uwe
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to uwschu clubAuch dir einen schönen Abend, Uwe!
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to cammino clubDida From Augsburg club has replied to ManfredLG,
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to LotharW clubAuch hier herzlichen Dank für´s Sternchen, Lothar und LG,
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to Wierd Folkersma clubViele Grüße Falk
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to Falk Preusche clubLG,
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to Gudrun clubSign-in to write a comment.