An Autumn in Tandle Hills


Trow Gill Gorge

23 Mar 2019 35 37 479
A favorite walk for us as we visit the Yorkshire Dales near Settle again. Trow Gill, a wooded limestone ravine at the head of the 'Reginald Farrer' nature trail at the village of Claham. Now a dry gorge, Trow Gill was possibly once an underground cavern formed by waters which now take an alternative route through the Ingleborough Cave / Gaping Gill system. At some point in time the roof of this cavern is believed to have collapsed - Trow Gill being the suggested result (though other theories have the ravine as simply a glacial meltwater channel). ( Nice full screen.

Three Trees

30 May 2008 42 47 434
Taken near Clun Shropshire -simple but neat! One from the archives here, following my lone tree trail. Notice my old style border. Nice full screen.

A Winters tree

21 Nov 2015 27 25 291
This tree has history! It was the one that led me on to the path of photography as I won my first photographic competition with a similar shot in Winter around 47 years ago. - Its by Dovestones reservoir in Greenfield which is about 5 miles from my home. Inspired to post it here after comments to the adjacent mist scene. Enjoy full screen see pip

Kicking Horse River

16 May 2016 29 20 439
Another Canadian Rockies scene here. This time we see the magnificent Mount Steven massive from the Kicking Horse River in the YoHo National Park BC. One has just got to love the colour of this Glacial melt-water flowing from such places as Emerald Lake. It that a Grizzly in the distance :) As usual deserves full screen on back.

Battle for the beach!

06 May 2019 26 30 406
Enjoy with me these pieces of drift-wood battling it out for dominance on this beach of St Cyrus, Scotland. We are just short of some teeth on the highest sea-serpents head here. Enjoy large.

The tenacity of life

14 May 2019 18 22 199
Despite the original tree having long since died here, a younger sapling has taken root on this rocky clump of earth that used to be the root system and made a good re-start to life. - This taken at the higher end of Glen Lui.

Autumn Idyll

31 Oct 2018 32 44 310
As Autumn starts here, I look back here on one of my best Autumn days out from last year. Yesterday, I witnessed my first real look at the fresh Autumn gold colours and so have hopes of adding to my Autumn collection soon. This taken from 'Strid Wood' in the Yorkshire Dales near Skiption. PiP Enjoy Large.

The Samaria Gorge, Crete

18 Sep 2019 20 22 255
The entrance of the 18km long Samaria Gorge taken from Xyloskalo on the Omalos plateau. In the distance you can see the high peaks of the White Mountains. The plateau is particularly beautiful in the winter, when it is frequently covered by snow. Just out of shot, a slow line of back-packers make there way down the torturous path to start there long hike which is very hot and dry without any refreshment stops, each showing a special pass to guarding wardens. In the past, the plateau of Omalos was the shelter of the locals and the base of rebels during the two and a half centuries of the Turkish occupation, but also during all other wars against invaders.


28 Oct 2019 38 32 382
It's that time of year, when the woods go silent, the mist creeps down and the low sun shows us the way.

Autumn arrives

28 Oct 2019 18 18 228
A re-visit to one of our favourite wooded valleys here at Hardcastle Crags near Hebdon Bridge in Yorkshire brings me my hearts desire in golden leaf trees. Only moments from the car-park, we are greeted by this little shelter offering free guided walks. On this day, the offer will be taken up no doubt by the myriad families with children as it is also our local school holidays. Enjoy full screen.

The colours of Autumn

29 Oct 2019 18 15 241
As I walk near the trees of my local park, I am reminded again how colourful Autumn can be. See Pip Enjoy large.

Friday dog walkers

08 Nov 2019 31 36 275
A wonderful Autumn morning at Tandle Hills Park, brings out dog walkers by the dozen and quite a few photographers too. Enjoy large

Tandle Fence

08 Nov 2019 53 102 467
Another view from this wonderful natural park of Tandle Hills here in my hometown of Oldham. On this morning everything came together for a most wonderful walk through autumn reds, yellows and gold, enhanced by the thick leaf drop here. Listening carefully, I could just hear the soft susurration of this part of the woods, whilst watching the squirrels running to hide their nuts. The fence accompanies a flight of steps to the valley bottom and a small foot bridge of previous acquaintance (PiP). Essential full screen. I wish you all, a great weekend

Silver Autumn

18 Nov 2019 27 29 318
As I walk along by the river here at Crowden, I glance up the valley hillside behind me to see the light doing its magic on these trees. A very low directional sunshine shows the recently made-bare trees in a wonderful silver light which as you can see can be most attractive. Essential full screen viewing

A Crowden adventure

18 Nov 2019 41 57 382
About 14 miles (22Km) from my home lies a very beautiful valley that starts of with a bit of woodland. On this rare blue sky day we thus make a beeline for it as a place we have not wandered for over a year now. I share a moment with you here just as the path turns downwards towards the river. Of course, once again its the golden leaves of Autumn with this light that is my main attraction. Spot the nesting-box. Enjoy full screen.

Moods of Dovestones

30 Nov 2019 41 35 337
As Autumn turns to Winter around here we see one of those rare mornings of mist and sun. A long view towards my historic favorite tree from over the reservoir here. We also see the glistening steep path climbing and curving up the length of Chew valley. Pips show same tree Enjoy large

Albufeira, Portugal

16 Dec 2013 11 12 177
A reminder of sun, warmth and a beautiful seaside. The sloping tree is an Algave plant that can grow many metres high and is seen often at an angle like this. Part of my 2013 summer holidays. Enjoy

A walk in the park to finish the year.

29 Oct 2019 36 66 444
Sometimes we just have to take a walk. Get into the fresh air, feel the wind in our face and cold air on our hands (sometimes, even warm air!) - Here in my local park I see the sun’s rays reaching through the trees towards me and hear the soft rustle of falling leaves as I stop and gaze at this new-to-me fence. HFF on this our last one of this year. See you next year.

151 items in total