Yesterday we had strong winds - great in a way because it kept things cool. With temperatures still in the early 30'sC - around high 90'sF - it was too hot to sit in the sun, but with the wind of yesterday it was great. Now here's where things went a tad wrong!!!

The wind meant that there were waves galore - gorgeous sitting there about 5ft from the sea and not getting wet.

I usually go for a swim, but I realised there was quite a swell and as I have problems keeping my balance, it wasn't a good idea to go in! The difference here, is that the water is amazingly clear whereas the sea would be brown, having the sand churned up at home. Mandi and Sharon braved the swell and went for a lovely swim....

It was lovely and warm and there were a few clouds around, but only briefly. Now because of the wind, we didn't dare put up the parasols, otherwise we'd have been looking for them over in Greece!!! Hence I got wind-burn!!! Today I'm feeling rather delicate on my shoulders and legs.

I took some photos of the waves, because it was so lovely being able to get close to them....

and just incase you haven't had enough of them - here's some more!!!!

I'm having a wonderful time. I've been here a week now and unfortunately Sharon has had to go back home. I've still got just under 3 weeks left. So I'm going to really relax and have fun.