Hi folks, just popping in to say hello and show you some more piccies of my holiday - it's great - I'm already turning a nice shade of brown and I've still got 3 more weeks!!

These last couple of days we've just chilled at the beach by my son-in-law's hotel, because Mandi has to work in the evenings. I've bought a pool noodle, which keeps me afloat, [looks so much better than a rubber ring!] I did tell you that I found out I can't swim since my brain haemorrhage didn't I? Well to stay afloat and not go down rather rapidly, I need a floatation devise and a pool noodle does help a lot. I did see a lady using one in a very novel way, but it's not the look I was aiming for!!

There is a glut of bougainvillea everywhere and even though it's right at the end of the season, there are still loads of them. They look so gorgeous against either the blue sky or the white walls. The hotel where Dogan is has copious amounts of the flower growing up the walls.....

The purple looks great against the wall, whereas the red looks better against the blue sky. I also saw a bush with these lovely flowers - there was only a few flowers that hadn't "gone over "...

The beach is lovely and quiet - only locals now, as the season is over. The temperatures are hovering in the mid 30'sC [90F - 100F] trouble is - the sand gets very hot and I can't move that quickly - so shoes are worn to the sea... when the cool sea hits "those" places, it's a definite sharp intake of breath to start with!! Then it's gorgeous.

Mandi is at work, as is Dogan, and Sharon is out with a friend, so I'm alone at last, it's necessary for me sometimes, as I'm on my own most of the time at home and it's quite tiring being with others 24/7.

Did I mention that apart from seeing the camel in the back of a trailer, I also saw a man taking his cow for a walk? Those situations combined with chickens in the trees and this lady's use of the pool noodle - obviously Turkey is a place where anything goes!!

I will pop in as and when I can - tomorrow we are going out for an evening meal which will be lovely, but it'll be the beach or one of them in the daytime. Look after yourselves, especially those of you who are being hit severely by Hurricane Matthew. Also those of you who are being doused with so much rain that you are flooding everywhere.