As it was Sharon's last evening, we went out for a meal. One of Mandi's work friends was co-owner of a restaurant and we'd been promised we'd be "looked after"!!

So not having eaten anything all day in anticipation of a good fill-up we started off to the restaurant. Mandi's car is brilliant - very easy for me to get in and out and very comfortable...

We were met by Ann, Mandi's friend and shown to a lovely table which had been decorated with the blossom of the bourgainvillea - wonderful. We were going to be joined by another of her friends, Eve, who is Mandi's closest friend out here. Well Eve eventually arrived about 10 minutes late and had brought her friend with her. A really nice man from Yorkshire!!

This is me with Mandi and her friend Ann.......

Mandi and Sharon (please excuse the out of focus - it's Mandi's shaking arm!)

Mandi, Sharon and Robert - Eve's friend...

Eve - who I felt I'd known for ages - she's so easy to get on with.

As I rarely go out to dinner, I thought I'd have a chance at a Chinese meal. So I chose Special Chicken Chow Mein, Mandi joined me on the Chinese kick, whereby the others stuck to Turkish food.

Well as far as the service was concerned - I'd give them nil points. The waiters were wonderful, but an hour to get our meals???????? Unfortunately when our Chinese chow meins arrived, it was inedible. The chef had emptied a full bottle of Soy Sauce I swear!!! It was so bitter and you couldn't tell what you were going to eat, because it was all covered with the same brown colour. Now I know why I don't go out all that often!!! So I filled up with the prawn crackers. How do you tell Mandi's friend that her restaurant had served up inedible meals, whilst the others thoroughly enjoyed their meals?

There was a lighter note though - (except for Sharon I suppose) when the waiter was bringing two large colas with ice, he tripped up and the whole lot went down Sharon's back!!! The look on her face was a picture!! Everyone raced around to take her cardigan away, and also to dry her down (she said it had gone down her back between her dress and her skin and ended up in a pool in her knickers!!!) Well obviously they couldn't dry that!!!!!! they did try to dry her cardigan but she just asked for it back and said she'd sort it out when she got home! Poor girl - I shouldn't laugh, but it was funny!

The restaurant was situated in a quiet area of the resort and they had decorated the trees with gourds which had been designed with inserting coloured glass in the holes made. Then lights were put inside them - so pretty....

I think I'd love to have some of these in my garden...... anyway we eventually came home - shattered after a day spent either battling the winds or trying to battle with the chow mein!

I will try and keep you in touch with things as and when I do anything or see anything interesting. I'm having a wonderful time here...