Heidiho's favorite articles
[EN] Jan 2019 -- Pam's Checkup Today was the second follow up appointment with Dr. Cheema, my brain surgeon. It did not go as I expected. After the first appointment I expected us to continue the discussion of targeted radiation to shrink the AVM en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arteriovenous_malformation in my brain and to start scheduling the procedure. However, after reviewing the MRI & MRA, he abruptly decided to postpone all treatment until September. He was unable to provide any inform…
2019-01-06 Security Certificate Expired
[EN] This morning a security certificate for ipernity expired. To update it, we need support from an IT professional. However, due to the weekend and holiday situation, nobody is available. Fortunately, Gerrit Fischer gave us a tip on how to log in anyway. We benefit from the fact that ipernity is not (yet) completely encrypted, but only the login and payment page: You simply backdate the Windows system and then log in. Go with the mouse pointer to the system date in the lower right co…
2019-01-01 Frohes Neues Jahr!
[English] www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4715932 [Français] www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4715938 Bericht der Berater Frohes neues Jahr! Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von ipernity! Im Dezember vor zwei Jahren erreichte uns die Hiobsbotschaft, dass die "Ewigkeit" von ipernity nach nur 10 Betriebsjahren zu Ende sein solle. Heute gibt es ipernity immer noch - dank eures Engagements und eurer Treue, sowie des großen Einsatzes einiger Ehrenamtlicher, die als ima-Team für iper…
2019-01-01 Happy New Year!
[Deutsch] www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4715936 [Français] www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4715938 Report of the advisors Happy New Year! Dear members and friends of ipernity! In December two years ago we received the bad news that the "eternity" of ipernity should be over after only 10 years of operation. Today, ipernity still exists - thanks to your commitment and loyalty, as well as the great commitment of some volunteers who are active as ima-Team for ipernity. As consul…
2018-12-21: Christmas Newsflash/Newsflash de Noël/Weihnachts-Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) In order to better inform incidental visitors from the web that ipernity is a non-commercial community and thus different from most other photo sharing platforms, we have changed the information text on the login page. 2) In addition, we have finally implemented the long-awaited donation button. We would appreciate it if you would make use of it, so that the various wishes for the further development of our website can be realized earli…
IMA NEWSFLASH : 7th December 2018
[DE] & [FR] editions are here : www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4714600 Dear members and friends of ipernity! Today, we would like to address two topics that have been of great interest to you in recent discussions. 1) Being responsible for a balanced budget, the ima team is not allowed to spend money that is not in the bank. Therefore, we cannot assign any more software development orders in 2018. In the short term, it's not possible to integrate a display of individual memory consumption…
18.12.2018. Anglizismen infiltrieren in zunehmendem Masse die deutsche Sprache. Die (internationalen) sozialen Netzwerke sind da nicht ganz unschuldig daran, da dort die englische Sprache als Brückenbauer dient und so das Deutsch langsam "verwässert". Dies hat Auswirkungen bis tief ins kulturelle Erbe der deutschen Sprache, wie das nachfolgende Beispiel zeigt. Nicht-Schweizer mögen mir gelegentliche Helvetismen verzeihen ;-) (für Küre Bigler) W e i h n a c h t s z e i t –––…
2018-12-07 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! Today, we would like to address two topics that have been of great interest to you in recent discussions. 1) Being responsible for a balanced budget, the ima team is not allowed to spend money that is not in the bank. Therefore, we cannot assign any more software development orders in 2018. In the short term, it's not possible to integrate a display of individual memory consumption or a donation button into the website, nor to fix any bugs. A…
La France en colère, Gilets Jaunes... La goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase.
France angry, Yellow Vests... The straw that breaks the camel.
A Very Busy Season!
Hello my Friends, If you don't see as much of me lately, it's because I am busy with my job during the holiday season. I have increased hours with the accompanying increased stress and fatigue, so it has been very difficult to take photos on a regular basis or even to stop by and comment on your photos as much as I wish. I want to thank all of you who visit my page regularly, and I hope to visit you more frequently after my schedule returns to normal. In the meantime I will visit you as often…
2018-11-30 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1. Tomorrow the meteorological winter begins. Therefore we have switched the ipernity front page to "winter operation". Once again, we would like to thank the photographers who contributed with their pictures to create a versatile collection. 2. In order to disturb the ongoing operation as little as possible, the cleaning of the database was switched to individual account processing. To be on the safe side, each individual account history is…
2018-11-23 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) After having weighed all requests for changes made by the Community with regard to the new ipernity tariff structure, today we present you a revised proposal. It is intended to make this structure official by November 30, 2018, after a final fine-tuning, if necessary, so that Flickr and Google+ users who are willing to move will be able to find out what to expect from ipernity. 2) We aim to implement the new tariff structure…
To shoot or not to shoot strangers?
Lately I have given a great deal of time and thought for what is commonly called as "street photography". It is more or less a genre of taking images of people one does not know. Usually it is about images of people in urbain area, but it can be any human figure seen anywhere. Please have a look at this Jamie Windsor's video 'Why you SHOULDN'T do STREET PHOTOGRAPHY' and give it a thought. So far street photography that includes human figures have never been my genre, and I guess it…
THankyou all. returning from a stroke
This thank you has been a long time coming, but it comes straight from my heart. As most of you know I had a huge Brain Bleed/Stroke on Friday the 7th of September this year. On that evening my world changed beyond description. I was one of the lucky ones as Jay, my husband, came into my work room and knew the signs of a stroke. (I will come back to this later.) He called 911 and an ambulance came fast. It's a ride I do not remember! But it would be another 5 weeks before I came…
2018-10-12 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1. Pam's recovery is gradually progressing. Periodical information can be found at Clickity Click www.ipernity.com/home/christine.bentley . 2. On Monday, Oct. 15. 2018, our returnee offer ends. So far it has been accepted by 139 users. More than 277,500 documents are now publicly visible again. The additional contribution margin is 3,543 EUR. Less the mailing costs and the cost reduction missed during the three-and-a-half-month offer phase, 1,…
2018-09-14 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Due to a sudden serious disease, Pam Johnson can no longer perform her duties within the ima team - handling of spam and moderation of official requests (tickets) - until further notice. She will be temporarily represented at short notice by HelenaPF . We thank Helena for her spontaneous willingness to support us. 2) For the further prosperity of our community it is very helpful if ipernity occupies good positions in search engines and ra…
2018-08-31 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) After a well-deserved summer break, the ima team is back and would like to thank all users who have enriched ipernity with pictures and other contributions during the summer and holiday weeks. In addition, we would also like to thank those who have internally maintained operations and were available to help with any disruptions or questions. We would also like to thank our IT service provider Qwellcode, who quickly repaired another unforeseen s…
Finland in timelapse by Riku Karjalainen
Enjoy these wonderful timelapse videos made by Riku Karjalainen Behind the scenes The importance of being alone... Do notice the subtitles in English and German which you can enable from bottom right corner! Choose the language from settings.
2018-05-08 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! We are pleased to present to you today the financial report*) for the short fiscal year 2017**). Adjusted for the one-off expenses in connection with the takeover of the website (contract costs and settlement of debts of Ipernity S.A.), revenues exceeded expenses. The website is therefore economically viable. *) English version : www.ipernity.com/doc/team/46643796 **) 14.04.2017 - 31.12.2017 Based on the existing subscriptions, a reason…
How your pseudonym and images become indexed by global search engines
If you have ever wondered how your ipernity account and images become picked by global search engines like Google, then hopefully this helps you to understand. Anything you publish with no restrictions get a status "Visible by: Everyone". It really means it is public on internet and it can not be restricted by any settings. What is public is then public .You can only set some local restrictions here on this page: https://www.ipernity.com/pref/privacy There you can say no to "Appear…
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