Team's articles with the keyword: spring

  • 2023-02-03 Club News

    - 06 Feb 2023
    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1. Website update: Improved album listing when uploading Until now, if you wanted to put a photo into one of your albums, it was often difficult to find this. This was because your albums were previously displayed based on the order in which they were created, with the most recent albums on top (see the following illustration, left-hand). In addition, the list was limited to fifty albums. This limit was expandable, but it was cumbersome. The di…

  • 2020-03-06 Newsflash

    - 06 Mar 2020
    Frontpage Spring Collection 2020
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) On our homepage, which is the showcase for accidental visitors from the World-Wide-Web, your most beautiful spring pictures are now online. We would like to thank all of you who submitted new contributions. 2) The most proposed motives are sea horizons, beaches or lakes, followed by flowers and birds. We are looking forward to getting more pictures with other motifs to make the ip…

  • 2019-03-01 Invitation to Ipernity General Assembly 2019 (IGA2019)

    - 01 Mar 2019
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Seasonally fitting I welcome the visitors to our homepage from today with the spring pictures you provided. I thank you for your involvement! 2) As of today 38 Club members and 18 "free" users have already committed themselves financially for the reprogramming of ipernity. The sum of the paid contributions meanwhile amounts to 6,338 EUR (21% of the required starting capital). 3) The ima team has now defined a strategic guideline fo…