Frank J Casella's articles with the keyword: sky


    - 22 Jan 2019
    "Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter." --Ansel Adams I don't believe in coincidence. That beauty and timing like this is to me a sign of God's love in the world. As only He can do. Whenever I try to do two things at the same time, they both fall short of their full potential. Things line up for a reason, with God there is no coincidence. I mean, I was walking my dog when I made this picture. But I had to stop walking and make the d…


    - 11 Nov 2018
    iPhones and Rainbows
    In this day and age of technology you’ll never miss a picture of a rainbow. Digital cameras changed photography, and now smart phones are changing digital cameras. Yet, not too long ago my camera of choice was a Pentax and not an iPhone. But now the iPhone camera is becoming competitive, if not superior, to the DSLR or especially the Point and Shoot camera. I tried using Android phone cameras, and in my tests there is much more attention going into the iPhone camera by Apple than by Sams…