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Updated on: 14 Feb 2017.

Animals, album created on 21 Mar 2016

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Barcelona, album created on 17 Nov 2015

15 items in total.

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Bobbin lace - 7 years ago

Bobbin lace is worked with many threads, each wound onto a separate bobbin. The pattern (pricking) of pin-holes is marked on stiff card and is fastened to a firm pillow. The threads are fixed at the start of the pattern, although more can be added (or some removed) as the work progresses. All the stitches involve two pairs of bobbins, i.e. four threads. Once the stitches have been made they are held in position with pins pushed through the pin-holes in the pricking into the pillow. Bobbin lac…

  • Puntes de coixí

    - 19 Oct 2016
    La punta de coixí és un art tèxtil que consisteix a elaborar unes filigranes fines a partir de l’ús d’un patró de cartolina, fil, boixets, agulles i un coixí. El patró amb el dibuix a realitzar es subjecta al coixí i serveix de guia. S'hi claven les agulles que són les que aguanten els fils un cop es comença el teixit. Els moviments bàsics de la punta al coixí són: volta i creu. Les voltes es fan sempre cap a l'esquerra, passant el boixet de la dreta per sobre del boixet de l'esquerra de la…

  • Joan Balaciart, ironworker

    - 10 Aug 2016
    Digital Imaging
    There is a story and life of a man hidden behind the dragon that keeps this door. Joan Balaciart, son of a farrier who shod the horses of the napoleonic troops, was born in 1896 at Peñíscola. At the age of 10 he started to work in a printing house and when he was 13 years old he travelled to Barcelon where he learnt the trade of locksmith at Can Basora located in Pau Claris street. During the following years he worked for different workshops where he learnt all the techniques related to the trad…

USA, a set of 1 album

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