About Graciel·la Vidal

All comments and critiques are read, welcomed and appreciated,

I apologize for not reply.
Usually I never click yellow stars. I hope I didn't upset you.

Now, just a little explanation:
My name is Graciel·la.
"l·l" is a catalan letter.

I know you don't have this symbol on your keyboard. No problem. If you like you can write with normal point, with a script, with an apostrophe ... or copy/paste ...the way you prefer.
Thanks for your understanding !


Agraeixo totes les visites, suggeriments fotogràfics i comentaris. Tant sovint com puc els llegeixo.

Em disculpo per no respondre'ls un a un.

Normalment no clico mai estrelles grogues. Que ningú s'enfadi.

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