Group: Vintage Photos Theme Park

The Themes

Alan Mays
By A Alan Mays club
05 Aug 2017 - 276 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Hi everyone,

Lisa asked me to repost the lists of themes that she previously posted. I thought I'd also repost Lisa's message from May along with the comments and suggestions that were added to it.

I've enjoyed the Vintage Photos Theme Park since Angelica Paez started the group over four years ago. Lisa (lisabee73) took over from Angelica, and Lisa recently also added Ian (red-eye) and me as administrators.

As Ipernity continues its transformation, I hope that our group will also continue and eventually gain new members. I thank all of you who have kept the group going by sharing your photos each week.



The themes - by lisabee73
May 21, 2017 - 5 comments - 47 visits


It looks like angelica's account has been closed/deleted and as a result the discussions started by angelica have disappeared.

So I have re-posted the themes for 2013 - 2016. Luckily I had saved the earlier list and then added to it (up to the end of 2016).

I'll add the 2017 themes (there is only Jan, Feb and May to do) soon.
Next week I think I had put 'something beginning with T'.

So we've lost the 'suggestion box' too.



Deborah Lundbech

Lisa, thank you so much for your work on this. It's really appreciated!
I tried but could not find anything for famous people or places - but I'm all set for this week's "something beginning with T"!
Here's a few suggestions:
- ice cream
- jump rope/skipping rope
- an old fashioned chore (I said that one before)
- teen attitude (that one, too) : )
- summer camp
- flat tire
- dock or a pier
- hand in the photo with the person cut off
- sad story - either in the photo or written on the back
- dog or cat with a toy
- looking in the pram
- sitting on grandpa or grandma's lap
-one person in the photo has a very different expression from everyone else. (I think Rick suggested something like this.)

arts enthusiast

Hooray for the Vintage Photo Theme Park resuming its activity! Luckily I saw your post and caption right away, Deborah, which led me here. That's amazing and wonderful that you saved all the themes, lisabee73! Now I've got to get searching. :)


Thanks to Alan, I've just posted the themes we've had so far this year.


Thanks for the suggestions Deborah. I've used some for June's themes. I've also started a new 'Suggestion Box'.

Smiley Derleth

Glad the group lives!

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Alan Mays 6 years ago.

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