Group: Classic Cars International

Happy Birthday To Us ...

By autofantasia club
07 Oct 2014 - 1 comment - 296 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Hey Folks

I just realised that this group is now officially 1 year old.

We now have 17 members and over 1300 quality submissions so I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support throughout our first year.

Spread the word as it would be nice to get a few more members and please keep those shots coming!


autofantasia club
Well, what do you know ... we (this group that is) is now officially 2 years old!

We now have 31 members and over 2,200 submissions so a big thank you to everyone for their support throughout this our second year.

I know we petrol heads are a rare breed on ipernity, but I still feel there's scope for this group to grow even bigger as I know a lot of the photos we have in here are invited submissions by non-members.

So come on folks, keep spreading the word and if you get an invitation to submit one of your shots to the group please think about joining and starting to make regular contributions ... they'll be well received!


8 years ago.

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