Moonflower with raindrops

Flowers ,Trees & Plants

Cloudless Sulphur (Phoebis sennae) on Zinnias

Cloudless Sulphur (Phoebis sennae) on a Zinnia

Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae)(m) on Zinnia's

27 Jul 2015 61 94 1226
The Gift EXPLORE #1

Post Oak ~ Four Seasons Collage

06 Jan 2016 33 57 813
This is my second "Four Seasons" tree project. This Post Oak is in my garden . Top Left : Spring Top Right : Summer (with the flooded pond around the base !) Bottom Left : Autumn Bottom Right : Winter I have already started the third Four Seasons with another Post Oak in the Garden EXPLORED !

The first Snow Crocus that is early even for them…

16 Jan 2016 36 51 866
One of my Snow Crocus is blooming !! Even for them its very early by about 3 weeks. The gophers also ate alot last year.....sigh. They had my English Bluebells and some of the Snowdrops that have a hard enough time as it is. The snow went about 30 miles south of us today EXPLORED !

She made it !! The Crocus . I thought she had froz…

25 Jan 2016 46 64 863
I thought it has frozen and was dying.. but today she made a struggle to open EXPLORED !

Pine Tree Sap Collage

04 Feb 2016 35 66 939
This is one of my Pine trees... if like a wonderful slow motion waterfall. The sap suckers like the Norther Flicker love it and make holes and eat it ! Only problem is when it get off the ground onto the dogs fur ! EXPLORED !

Crocus Collage

12 Feb 2016 30 33 793
Beautiful Jewels.

Snowdrop Collage

12 Feb 2016 51 71 1030
Some of you already know my Snowdrops story (please forgive the repetition !).... ... but for those who don't Snowdrops have a very personal special meaning for me. I was an 8 mth babe.. and though healthy.. a month early and born at home... in the worst February winter London had known for many years. Snowdrops bloom through the ice.. and my Dad said I was a fighter.. and called me his Snowdrop. It stuck.... he always made sure I had Snowdrops on my birthday.. till he died. Jay (the American gent I married in January 2005) carried that on once he knew... even through some adversity. I have planted some here ... hard to get them in the USA.. but I went through Brecks.. and when we moved here to the house I call Snow's Light in June 2011 ... I ordered.. and planted them in that October.... often they dont flower the 1st year. BUT.. they are slowly increasing in the number of flowers each Spring now.. and I planted 60 more My house is called "Snow's Light" ... Snowdrops Lighthouse... I also collect Lighthouses and miss the sea desperately. Its a real physical pain... Although I have traveled all my life and lived abroad... now... at 61 I am feeling homesickness desperately. Maybe as we get older we finally need our roots. I always believed I would move to New Zealand..... but the Dream Catcher mistook an American gent for a New Zealander ! So.... Snowdrops are the flower of my heart... and it goes with the 2nd one.. Mistletoe... which is the Spirit and Heart of the Oak... and the final one of Yellow Roses.. the colour of Happiness Mother Earth protects us all.... there should be no divide of Faith... we all have an investment in the beauty there is Sail on Fair Winds and Calm seas... and Walk in Beauty ........ EXPLORED !

Spring Beauties

21 Feb 2016 50 81 870
That really is their name ! EXPLORED !

Sweet Violets

27 Feb 2016 66 107 1158
I wanted to do something different with this and use my graphics. This is the result of 25 layers and 6 hours. EXPLORED !

Hoverfly on Bradford Pear blossom

03 Mar 2016 77 129 1221
There was a hail storm last night ... how this blossom survived I do not know. There was also a wind blowing so it was CLICK and HOPE !! EXPLORED !

Peach Blossom

11 Mar 2016 59 88 1017
Its still too early for the trees to blossom.. but the weather is crazy. Last year the Peach Tree did well.. and the Racoons and Possoms enjoyed all but 6 of the Peaches ! EXPLORED !

Coral Honeysuckle

20 Mar 2016 52 73 968
Lonicera sempervirens 'Major Wheeler' (Coral Honeysuckle) EXPLORED !


03 Nov 2014 74 110 1269
Windflower also called Carolina Anemone EXPLORED !

Apple blossom

02 Apr 2016 63 77 951
This tree was all but dead with the terrible long drought we had. Then last year the huge rains have given it back a life. Perhaps the Raccoons and Possums will allow me to have an apple later in the year ! EXPLORED !

151 items in total