
Flowers and such..


13 Aug 2018 14 14 303
For Sight and Sound: Remembering Dan Fogelberg on what would have been his 67th birthday. A favorite from his album "Twin Sons of Different Mothers" with Tim Weisberg (1978) Paris Nocturne Paris Nocturne

HFF, everyone. :)

14 Jun 2018 28 29 584
The foxgloves are blooming! :) ...and for Sight and Sound: Bruce Cockburn from his album "Night Vision" (1973) Foxglove Foxglove Foxglove

Spring is Here

06 May 2018 11 8 391
"Spring is Here" is a 1938 popular song composed by Richard Rodgers with lyrics by Lorenz Hart for the musical "I Married an Angel (1938.) For Sight and Sound Carly Simon from her album "Torch" (1981) Spring is Here Spring is Here

For Free

15 May 2018 9 11 450
This wild Rhododendron bush blooms like this each year, for free. (Looks best on black) For Sight and Sound Joni Mitchell from her "Miles of Aisles" album 1974 (Real Good) For Free (Real Good) For Free

Music Box

09 Mar 2018 13 17 403
Happy Spring, everyone, and Happy May Day too! Sight and Sound: Frank Mills Music Box Dancer Richard Clayderman Music Box Dancer

Happy Easter

28 Mar 2018 21 24 349
Happy Easter, everyone! For Sight and Sound: This is a hyacinth but I thought this song would be good with it since it is so white. Cat Stevens from his "Mona Bone Jakon" album (1970) Lilywhite Lilywhite

♥ ♥ ♥

10 Jul 2017 11 18 674
Happy Valentine's Day! For Sight and Sound The Mindbenders from their album "The Mindbenders" (1965) A Groovy Kind of Love A Groovy Kind of Love A Groovy Kind of Love


26 Jun 2017 23 30 655
Sight and Sound This is a tribute to one of my favorite female vocalists. I just found out she died last spring when I was looking for one of her songs. She wasn't well known. She described herself as a "delicate" person and preferred to sing back-up for artists like James Taylor, Jackson Browne and Linda Ronstadt rather than be in the spotlight. She did manage to put out a few excellent albums from the 1970s on and they are worth having. Thank you, Valerie Carter, for sharing your wonderful talent with us. I won't forget you. Here are a few of her songs. Hopefully at least one link will work for you if you care to listen. Live: A Stone's Throw Away Ooh Ooh Child Heartache Da Do Rendezvous

Poppy Red

23 Jul 2017 28 27 671
Sight and Sound These poppies were growing in my friend's yard this summer. I love their cool pods. Richard Thompson from his album "Sweet Warrior" (2007) Poppy Red or here: Poppy Red


23 Jul 2017 22 20 528
Echinacea (coneflower) This song was released as a single by "Wallace Collection" back in 1969. ♪ ♫ Daydream, I fell asleep amid the flowers For a couple of hours on a beautiful day ♪ ♫ Daydream or here: Daydream or maybe here: Daydream

Hang on...

05 Aug 2017 8 18 496
Sight and Sound Pink Martini from their album "Hang on Little Tomato" (2004) Hang on Little Tomato or here: Hang on Little Tomato

On the Waters...

06 Jul 2017 22 18 530
Lilies on the pond (try it on black) Bread from their "On the Waters" album (1970) (This is the only link I could find. Hope it works!) The Other Side of Life

Hummingbird and Verbena

21 Aug 2017 17 22 582
Sight and Sound George Winston from his album "Summer" (1991) Hummingbird or Hummingbird


05 Aug 2017 10 11 495
Sight and Sound The Romano beans are ready and they are so delicious. Joy of Cooking from their self-titled album (1971) Down My Dream or here: Down My Dream

Soft As...

17 Jul 2017 10 10 314
Sight and Sound Peter and Gordon from their album "I Don't Want to See You Again" (1960s) Soft As The Dawn or here: Soft As The Dawn


30 Jun 2017 11 16 366
Sight and Sound The first lilies of summer! (Looks nice on black) Pink Martini from their album "Hang on Little Tomato" (2004) Lilly or Lilly


11 Jun 2017 6 6 351
Sight and Sound Twenty-First-Century foxgloves! The Doors from their debut album "The Doors" (1967) Twentieth Century Fox or Twentieth Century Fox

150 items in total