Violet Turaco (Explored)


27 Dec 2008

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741 visits

How not to use the toilet

Western style toilets were slowly appearing in Thailand and replacing or supplementing squat toilets. Bathroom signs such as these attempted to instruct users not to use western toilets as squat toilets. From the archives for The Sunday Challenge: Bathroom AThailand3 257

19 Sep 2014

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749 visits

The start of the routine (Explored)

Evening With Champions (2014) - Meagan Duhamel & Eric Radford AIMG 4050

19 Sep 2014

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749 visits

Wheee! (Explored)

Evening With Champions (2014) - Meagan Duhamel & Eric Radford AIMG 4074

20 Jul 2005

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606 visits

The tympanist (Explored)

Created for The Sunday Challenge: Post processing This was created from a photograph of a friend of mine who was performing a summer concert in the Hatch Shell in Boston. The original photograph was a bit soft when viewed full screen. This image was created in Photoshop Elements using the poster edges feature. I think that post-processing made it a more dynamic image with the harsh lines and color changes. It is difficult to appreciate the full effect unless it is viewed large. PIMG 0418A

10 Nov 2014

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646 visits

Of birds, butterflies and flowers (Explored)

The original image was that of a bathroom tile and suffered from lens distortion and a less than perfect white balance. It makes a much better orb. I have included the original image as a note in this image. Thanks to Lars Hammar for the use of his texture, which can be found at NTSC: sliders/bathroom OIMG 4478A

17 Aug 2013

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353 visits

Shadows approach (Explored)

View from the road from Ollantaytambo to Cusco, Peru AIMG 1141

26 Nov 2014

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587 visits

Battle of the paperclips (Explored)

The Sunday Challenge: Pushing the boundaries. I shot this from as close as the lens would focus. AIMG 4505

26 Nov 2014

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763 visits

Wendi's Orb (Explored)

The original image is in the notes. Thanks to Wendi for suggesting that it would make a good orb. Not the Sunday Challenge: Sliders The texture was internal to the Photoshop Elements 10 program. OIMG 4505

27 Nov 2014

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543 visits

Neon Waves (Explored)

This was created from a shot of window blinds (see note). Neon green was substituted for the white and then the polar distortion feature of Photoshop was used on the uncropped (6 x 4) image as if to create an orb. The edges were cropped to give it a rectangular, rather than oval, look. Not the Sunday Challenge: sliders PIMG 4512
826 items in total