Violet Turaco (Explored)


19 Mar 2024

18 favorites


87 visits

Decked out

Insectarium Espace pour la vie Montreal, Canada AP1000604

19 Mar 2024

17 favorites


81 visits

Color coordinated 2 (Explored)

Insectarium Espace pour la vie Montreal, Canada AP1000611

26 Apr 2024

17 favorites


78 visits

Orchids and friends (Explored)

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG_4648

24 May 2024

17 favorites


68 visits

Resting elk (Explored)

Elk Forest Southwick Zoo Mendon, Massachusetts Sunday Challenge: Nature in black and white

26 Apr 2024

17 favorites


70 visits

Surveillance Locket 2 (Explored)

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. Surveillance Locket 2 is a 36 inch panel work made of acrylic piping and collage by Yvette Mayorga. AIMG_4670

26 Apr 2024

14 favorites


55 visits

Petal magic (Explored)

Every April, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts hosts Art in Bloom, a festival of flowers arranged by New England garden clubs and professional designers. The flower art is inspired by the many masterpieces found throughout the Museum. AIMG_4696

24 Apr 2024

31 favorites


94 visits

On the fence (Explored)

Northern Cardinal AIMG 8052

28 Apr 2024

17 favorites


35 visits

Wet feet (Explored)

Sparrow Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge - Concord, Massachusetts AIMG 8062

21 May 2024

28 favorites


56 visits

1912 Mercer Raceabout

"The Mercer Raceabout is considered the most-prized original American sports car. Known for its advanced design, magnificent handling, and high speed, these cars won five of six races they entered in 1911. Mercers came with the unheard of guarantee that each Raceabout would achieve a minimum of 70 miles per hour without modification on public roads, at a time when most cars had trouble reaching the 45-50 mile per hour range! It is believed that this Mercer was originally owned by Barney Oldfield, America’s best-known early racecar driver. He was always photographed with a cigar in his mouth while he was racing, not because he was smoking it, but because he used the cigar as cushioning for his teeth. Fierce competition existed among the early American sports car producers, especially between Mercer and another early sports car, the Stutz Bearcat. Mercer owners would taunt “You must be nuts to drive a Stutz,” while Stutz owners would retort, “Nothing’s worser than driving a Mercer.”" Antique car collection Heritage Museum Sandwich Massachusetts Many of the vehicles in the collection are still operational. AP1023457
828 items in total