Gray day


07 Aug 2011

156 visits

Just around the corner

Two weapons of war from different eras on display at the Citadelle. The Citadelle is a military base and an official residence which is located atop Cap Diamant in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. It was built in the 17th Century as a French fort and expanded by the British between between 1820 and 1831. In its time, because of its location at the top of the hill overlooking a narrow strait and its star shape, it was a mighty defense against a potential threat by the Americans and potential internal revolt. AIMG_1870

07 Aug 2011

151 visits

The ramparts

The Citadelle is today a military base and an official residence which is located atop Cap Diamant in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. It was built in the 17th Century as a French fort and expanded by the British between between 1820 and 1831. In its time, because of its location at the top of the hill overlooking a narrow strait and its star shape, it was a mighty defense against a potential threat by the Americans and potential internal revolt. AIMG_1874

07 Aug 2011

196 visits

Powder magazine

The old powder magazine has thick, reinforced walls to minimize the disaster of an explosion. It is now used as a museum. The Citadelle is a military base and an official residence which is located atop Cap Diamant in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. It was built in the 17th Century as a French fort and expanded by the British between between 1820 and 1831. In its time, because of its location at the top of the hill overlooking a narrow strait and its star shape, it was a mighty defense against a potential threat by the Americans and potential internal revolt. AIMG_1877

07 Aug 2011


250 visits

From the rear

The changing of the guard ceremony is held daily in the summer at the Citadelle in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. AIMG_1837

07 Aug 2011

1 favorite

1 comment

162 visits

Keeping a stiff lower lip

The changing of the guard ceremony is held daily in the summer at the Citadelle in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. AIMG_1838

07 Aug 2011

281 visits


The changing of the guard ceremony is held daily in the summer at the Citadelle in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. AIMG_1840

07 Aug 2011

215 visits

Love those trombones

The changing of the guard ceremony is held daily in the summer at the Citadelle in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. AIMG_1847

07 Aug 2011

1 favorite

239 visits


Batisse the goat is the regimental mascot of the Royal 22e Régiment. He participates in the changing of the guard ceremony which is held daily in the summer at the Citadelle in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. The original Batisse was presented to the unit by Queen Elizabeth II in 1955. That goat was the descendant of a Tibetan goat given to Queen Victoria by the Shah of Iran in 1844. AIMG_1833

07 Aug 2011

168 visits


It was a gray and rainy day and I did not hold out much hope for good pictures. However, the gray was a perfect background for the stunning uniforms of the Royal 22e Régiment's changing of the guard ceremony which is held daily in the summer at the Citadelle in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. ODT: Alone AIMG_1825
248 items in total