Gray day


09 Aug 2011

210 visits

Rainbow over the falls (Explored)

Canyon Saint-Anne which is located about a half hour drive from Quebec City, Canada is a wonderfully steep gorge with a waterfall that drops 243 feet. Suspension bridges allow visitors to walk all around the falls. AIMG_2046

08 Aug 2011

208 visits

Climbers' delight

Canyon Saint-Anne which is located about a half hour drive from Quebec City, Canada is a wonderfully steep gorge with a waterfall that drops 243 feet. Suspension bridges allow visitors to walk all around the falls. AIMG_2022

08 Aug 2011

171 visits

Above the falls

Canyon Saint-Anne which is located about a half hour drive from Quebec City, Canada is a wonderfully steep gorge with a waterfall that drops 243 feet. Suspension bridges allow visitors to walk all around the falls. AIMG_2009

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08 Aug 2011

171 visits

Pink skies

Terrace Dufferin in Quebec City at dusk. AIMG_1995

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08 Aug 2011


161 visits

Quebec from the St. Lawrence

Camille-Roy Building of the Seminaire du Quebec. AIMG_1957

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08 Aug 2011

124 visits

Looking down

Bust of Louis XIV at Place Royal, Quebec. AIMG_1936

08 Aug 2011

160 visits

Place Royale

With stone homes dating from the 17th Century, Place Royale in Quebec City takes you back in time AIMG_1934

08 Aug 2011

220 visits

Eglise Notre-Dame-des-Victiores

Built in 1688 and renovated several times, Eglise Notre-Dame-des-Victiores is one of the oldest stone churches in North America. ODT: Pointed AIMG_1935

08 Aug 2011

207 visits

Le Brézé

A scale model of the ship "Le Brézé", which transported soldiers to New France in 1664, is suspended in the nave of Eglise Notre-Dame-des-Victiores. AIMG_1939
248 items in total