Michael Hurley

2017 Nelsonville Music Festival

It was again my good fortune to be assigned to photograph the Nelsonville Music Festival, a four-day event on the campus of Hocking College in southeastern Ohio, and produced by the Stuart's Opera House consortium.

04 Jun 2017

83 visits

John Fullbright

With a career that's rising like a rocket, Oklahoma's John Fullbright delighted the Main Stage crowd Sunday.

04 Jun 2017

98 visits

John Fullbright

04 Jun 2017

99 visits

You gotta suffer to play the . . .

Many guitarists agree that playing above about the fifth fret is like passing a kidney stone -- or at least it's supposed to look that way.

04 Jun 2017

102 visits

Tyler Childers

Tyler Childers performed powerfully on the Boxcar Stage Sunday.

04 Jun 2017

83 visits

It was a hot, sunny Sunday

In Sunday afternoon's heat, NMF's audience was loath to step into the light. The cool shade of the hillside in front of the Boxcar Stage was welcomed by pretty much everyone.

04 Jun 2017

75 visits

Wesley Bright

Akron's Wesley Bright and the Honeytones brought a sophisticated, jazzy note to the Porch Stage.

04 Jun 2017

98 visits

Jay Farrar

Son Volt's Jay Farrar has the coolest sunglasses available anywhere.

04 Jun 2017

101 visits

Kevin and his folding bass

There's that funny-looking case again, as Kevin Carducci awaits the other Easy Leaves in the No-fi Cabin.

04 Jun 2017

101 visits

Andrew DuPlantis

Andrew DuPlantis, Son Volt's very populat bassist.
74 items in total