Michael Hurley

2017 Nelsonville Music Festival

It was again my good fortune to be assigned to photograph the Nelsonville Music Festival, a four-day event on the campus of Hocking College in southeastern Ohio, and produced by the Stuart's Opera House consortium.

02 Jun 2017

91 visits

Parachute fun for kids

Among the activities for jids was this game in which tots had to run inder the parachute before it came down and trapped them.

03 Jun 2017

86 visits


Preparing to perform, Rodriguez smile before adopting his stage persona. His devoted followers massed in fromt of the Main Stage for his Friday evening show.

03 Jun 2017

89 visits


03 Jun 2017

86 visits

He might be a giant

Friday's Main Stage headline act was They Might be Giants.

03 Jun 2017

90 visits

So might he

03 Jun 2017

74 visits

They Might Be Giants

03 Jun 2017

101 visits

Giant bass player

03 Jun 2017

93 visits

Giants fans stretched forever

For their fans, there was no "might" about it.

03 Jun 2017

92 visits

Giant drummer

74 items in total