Michael Hurley

2017 Nelsonville Music Festival

It was again my good fortune to be assigned to photograph the Nelsonville Music Festival, a four-day event on the campus of Hocking College in southeastern Ohio, and produced by the Stuart's Opera House consortium.

04 Jun 2017

103 visits

The song is over

04 Jun 2017

88 visits

Tweens and others like Ween

Some bathed in blacklight from the stage, Weenies (Weeners?) waited eagerly for the band. They hallow Ween.

04 Jun 2017

97 visits

Dean Ween

Michael "Mickey" Melchiondo, Jr., better known as Dean Ween.

04 Jun 2017

94 visits

Gene Ween

Aaron Freeman, better known to fans as Gene Ween.

04 Jun 2017

99 visits


Ween won.

04 Jun 2017

66 visits

The Easy Leaves

California country-blues rockers The Easy Leaves blew onto the Main Stage to start things there Sunday afternoon.

04 Jun 2017

118 visits

A happy drummer

04 Jun 2017

108 visits

Marisa Anderson

Marisa Anderson played passionately on the Boxcar Stage.

04 Jun 2017

89 visits

Hanging out on and of the passenger car

74 items in total