Drew Pearson

Famous People

Some of these folks are known internationally, some nationally (in the U.S.) and some only locally or within a group of fans. But I think they're all interesting.

03 Oct 2010

170 visits

The fate of the giant puffball

The slices were then fried in olive oil and butter. The flavor and texture -- and richness -- were unparalleled. The thyme made the aroma resemble that of holiday stuffing. Exquisite!

25 Sep 2010

144 visits

Kirchen, Burbridge, and Bohren

Bill Kirchen, Oteil Burbridge, and Spencer Bohren at Fur Peace Station, September 25, 2010. Possibly the best performance of "The Times, They Are A'Changin'" ever.

25 Sep 2010

173 visits

Jorma Kaukonen in concert

Fur Peace Station, September 25, 2010.

16 Sep 2010

148 visits

Agnew, early on

Vice-President Spiro Agnew at a St. Louis Lincoln Day Banquet at the Chase Park Plaza Hotel in honor of Patrick J. Buchanan, the St. Louis newspaperman just hired as speechwriter by the Nixon administration. Five tumultuous years later, Agnew would be indicted and would resign.

15 Feb 1973

1 favorite

1 comment

654 visits

The conductor Hugo Vianello

In rehearsal in February 1973 for a production of "Carousel" at the soon-to-be-destroyed Stephens College Assembly Hall in Columbia, Missouri. Shot with the horrible 43-86mm Auto-Nikkor zoom on Tri-X at ASA 4000 and processed in Acufine. Hey, it's all we had back then.

26 Apr 2013

137 visits

Jasper Welch, legendary mayor of Durango, Colorado

He is now head of a small international non-profit. Well, was. Not any more. Not sure what he does now.

25 Aug 2013

194 visits

Geoff Achison

The Australian blues singer and guitar master sings and plays.

05 Oct 2013

127 visits

Patty Larkin in performance

19 Oct 2013

1 comment

200 visits

Rory Block

In performance.
119 items in total