Looking sunward on the ridge

Infrared fun 2019

17 May 2019

86 visits

The Meike 25mm f1.8 and infrared

In my testing of this very charming little lens, I found that in color there's no noticeable hotspot until one gets past f5.6. Which is good performance compared to a lot of other lenses. Shot in 720nm IR.

18 May 2019

75 visits

The big sycamore out front

Another test with the 25mm f1.8 Meike in 720nm infrared, shot ay f5.6. It's a manual-focus, manual aperture lens, which is fine especially on cameras with focus peaking. But it's just not wide enough. I don't think there's a way to escape getting the 14mm f2.8 Fujinon, which is reputed to be excellent for infrared. (Though the 18-135 is said to be that way, too, and it entirely sucks in IR, especially color IR.)

23 May 2019

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100 visits

After the storm

Am awaiting a delivery, so I have to stay near home. Here's a nearby road after a line of thunderstorms passed. I was desperate to try out my new and wonderful 14mm f2.8 Fuji lens. (Though it is true: the aperture ring needs a lock, so it doesn't get knocked from automatic to f22.)

23 May 2019

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109 visits

Into the woods with the new 14mm lens

I couldn't believe I had found a Fuji lens that doesn't have an overwhelming hotspot or central color shift, but it seems I have. The technical term for this is WOW! YIPPEE!!!

23 May 2019

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217 visits

Amesville, Ohio

23 May 2019

120 visits

Downtown Amesville, Ohio

23 May 2019

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125 visits

Storm gone, wind remains

31 May 2019

76 visits

Federal Creek is low for now . . .

. . . but within a couple of hours those clouds in the background will have become prolific and the creek will have experienced a flash flood. Have I mentioned that I don't like powerlines in my pictures?

31 May 2019

103 visits

Coonskin Crossing

They used to have the good Utz Homestyle potato chips. They still have good earthworms.
62 items in total