Looking sunward on the ridge

Infrared fun 2019

30 Apr 2019

79 visits

Bee visits dandelion

No matter what I tried, I could not get the bee to lighten in post. Possibly because it was black.

30 Apr 2019

64 visits

Looking across the valley

The 18-135mm Fuji, reports to the contrary notwithstanding, has an ugly color hotspot.

30 Apr 2019

70 visits


These are said to be edible, but I do not consume fujgi I know nothing about, because many of them will kill you and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Also, I don't know how to cook them.

30 Apr 2019

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1 comment

86 visits

Another picture looking toward a house

30 Apr 2019

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95 visits

A back road

I got GIMP 2.10 today, which has many added color management features. The original was just a little too pastel for my liking. It's my hope to get some new GIMP skills.

01 May 2019

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83 visits

Trying a new feature -- no, not the bee, me

Okay, I can't resist a flower with an insect in it, but this one was especially fun because it gave me an opportunity to try out the great new highlights/shadows sliders in GIMP 2.10.10. While I've obviously not refined my technique, I can say with certainty that all the petals were blown out in the OOC image, and a -75 at the highlight slider brought 'em back. Cool.

02 May 2019

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82 visits

Infrared is often a surprise

I desaturated the cyan but otherwise this is an OOC jpeg.

02 May 2019

67 visits

Still more chocolate

This one was shot with the sky as the background and processed a little more heavily.

02 May 2019

95 visits

Dandelion fluff up close

So here we have an infrared macro picture of a dandelion seedhead made with a 50mm f2.8 Nikkor enlarging lens on a helical focusing tube.
62 items in total