Looking sunward on the ridge

Infrared fun 2019

22 Apr 2019

85 visits

Looking sunward on the ridge

I've not refined my channel swapping in the new version of GIMP, but I thought that this was nice, anyway.

22 Apr 2019

1 favorite

67 visits

Stump, channel swapped

22 Apr 2019

53 visits

Stump, unswapped

22 Apr 2019

44 visits

Looking down the hill

I suppose I should mentioned that these were taken with a Rokinon fisheye stuck to my IR-adapted X-E2.

22 Apr 2019

112 visits

Monochrome dandelion

Truth is, I find black-and-white infrared to be far more dramatic than false-color infrared, anyway. (I would have realized this had I not been so in love with Aero Infrared Ektachrome 50 years ago.) So I switched the camera to mono, and life is so much sweeter. For instance, this picture was made with the 60mm Fuji macro lens, which is unusable for IR in color because of its terrible hot spot. But no color, no hot spot!

22 Apr 2019

90 visits

Doesn't look like a fisheye picture, does it

The cool thing about the Rokinon fisheye is that if you compose carefully you can avoid a lot of distortion.

22 Apr 2019

109 visits

Rhubarb and afternoon sun

I can't wait for the first big thunderstorm clouds that come along now, because with the IR camera set to black-and-white, they will be really, really dramatic.

22 Apr 2019

90 visits

Supping on a bud

This was made with the 18-55mm Fuji lens, which is also awful for color IR pictures but, again, just fine for black-and-white ones. I like the tones in the infrared, too -- looks almost like old orthochromatic film -- except, of course, that skies are white with ortho, and they're dark in IR.

22 Apr 2019

98 visits

Dinky little box turtle

Poking out its head after a long winter.
62 items in total