Doerthe's photos

06 Apr 2024

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43 visits

The upside-down tree.

This is a cedar tree that has tumble over in a storm more than twenty years ago.

05 Apr 2024

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29 visits

Love in the Spring

Male and female Eastern Bluebirds sitting side-by-side on their new house.

31 Mar 2024

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28 visits

Curled scrap moss

I have a reference book of moss with 400 species. It was not easy to identify this one.

31 Mar 2024

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32 visits

The eye!

This little red squirrel won a fight over a much larger gray squirrel. It all happened so fast, there was no time for any photos of the action.

29 Mar 2024

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51 visits

The Future.

29 Mar 2024

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28 visits

Black-capped Chickadee

27 Mar 2024

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29 visits

Red-winged Blackbird

This male is overlooking the massive road construction site that is destroying his territory.

25 Mar 2024

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33 visits

In the world of a child.

My great-granddaughter carrying her new toy, a fabric bag with a book, around the house.

23 Mar 2024

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33 visits

August 2023 vs. March 23, 2024

Position of the large star-shaped crater in different positions depending of the time of year.
4156 items in total